Just wondering if it would be possible to get a darker theme? The amount of white makes it hard for me to read. Not sure if it’s jus the age getting to my eyes or what but I find the darker background themes easier on my eyes.
2024 Supra SV 400 “SUPA DUPA”
2019 Moomba Max - sold"MOOMBAE"
2016 Yamaha AR192 - sold
Do you use Tapatalk? If you so you can change it easily in settings.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I’m at home in the PC though. It’s not just mobile that I browse the forums on. The forum software is fairly easy to add a skin.
2024 Supra SV 400 “SUPA DUPA”
2019 Moomba Max - sold"MOOMBAE"
2016 Yamaha AR192 - sold