Quote Originally Posted by Matt0520 View Post
Diet matters most. You can't outwork bad food.

And lots of stretching, mobility work.

But as far as workouts, StrongLifts 5x5! Easy, simple workouts in my basement (have a Rogue rack and some weights) only 3x a week. It's amazing how much stronger I am in every other lift after squatting 3x a week.

Other than that, just swim or walk for on-going cardio. And a lot of moving around, aka NEAT (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) to keep the metabolism going. I'm 32 and learned in the last few years that 'more' doesn't equal 'better' for me. Lots of interesting studies of overexercising and its affect on excess cortisol, which in turn can lead to more fat retention since your body is in a perpetual stress state.

It's tough with a dead thyroid but the above is working pretty well for me the past few years, 6'1 185lbs now. Down from 215. Would love to be 170s by summer.
Even more simplified.....count your overall caloric intake. Stick to a plan, reduce it. That will force you to make better food decisions overall because crap food will -typically- be high in calories.

There are exceptions (example: good fats are high) so you need to pay attention to how you manage it. But it’s simplicity is powerful. Stop eating so damn much! Then, of what you do eat, make better choices.

You can get damn full on a hunk of chicken and a pile of broccoli.

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