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  1. #71
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Pound View Post
    "I climb 2-3 times a week over the winter, really keeps me in shape, best workout and fun!."

    There are definitely a lot of super fit people in there, that's for sure.

    I'm good for 12'ish clean, dead hang pull ups at my body weight (198 as of this morning). I'd definitely like to do more and weighted pull ups will help that. but what kills me currently is the friggin finger tip stuff. That's just not something i'm used to for typical gym work. so that's why i'm trying to focus on pulling motions w/my fingers only and also calves from my toes. I was doing sets of 6-8 pull ups using the rock grips... pretty proud of that Totally different feel that's for sure.
    I think climbing fitness can translate to the water sports pretty directly. grip strength, leg strength, pulling strength, endurance, balance, etc. seems like a great off season (and on season) activity.
    Us dudes all start climbing the same way, with strength and power, the real secret is technique and climbing slow. My girlfriend can out climb me all day long, she's uses her legs for 90% of the work. I've spent the last few months re-learning how to climb more efficiently, you just need to watch better climbers(women, fun to watch and really start using your legs and not pulling up with your arms. For the fingers, don't hold on for dear life with a death grip, just learn to hook your finger tips, you just want to be able to hold on with the least amount of effort and use your feet. Next time you grab a jug are you holding tight like a baseball bat or loose? Just curl your fingers and hook them instead, climb often and the fingers will get really strong pretty quick.
    2002 Moomba Mobius LSV - Sold
    2006 Moomba Mobius LSV - Sold
    2017 Moomba Craz - Enzos, Lead

  2. #72
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Dublin, Ohio


    Here’s some Friday fails for you guys. Commentary is LOL funny

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    2019 Craz

  3. #73
    Join Date
    Apr 2016


    Climbed a 5.10+ earlier this week. It wasn't the prettiest climb, but I did it w/no takes or falls. Oh and I did a V3 boulder problem. watch out Alex Honnold.
    2016 Craz

  4. #74
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Pound View Post
    Climbed a 5.10+ earlier this week. It wasn't the prettiest climb, but I did it w/no takes or falls. Oh and I did a V3 boulder problem. watch out Alex Honnold.
    Nice, just started lead climbing, like learning to climb all over again.
    2002 Moomba Mobius LSV - Sold
    2006 Moomba Mobius LSV - Sold
    2017 Moomba Craz - Enzos, Lead

  5. #75
    Join Date
    Apr 2016


    yeah my 5.10+ was top rope.
    2016 Craz

  6. #76
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Pound View Post
    yeah my 5.10+ was top rope.
    It amazing how hard and scary it can be but the feeling after completing a route is pretty awsome. Good job!
    2002 Moomba Mobius LSV - Sold
    2006 Moomba Mobius LSV - Sold
    2017 Moomba Craz - Enzos, Lead

  7. #77
    Join Date
    Apr 2016


    reviving older thread for advice from some of you 5/3/1 guys.
    Started 5/3/1 a few weeks ago. I'm just starting week 3 of my first month. I've been lifting for a long time but haven't done core lifts in quite a while. so i made an educated guess at my 1RM's and sandbagged a little bit to set up the program.

    I'm consistently getting of 10-15 reps on my max effort sets on OHP and Bench and about 18-20 on DL and squats. I've kept the weights i started with for this 1st month and considering it an orientation month. should i bump up the weights just 5/10 per the program or am i ok to do more like 10/20 for the next cycle? I know i don't want to hit a wall too soon, but i also have a specific goal (315 on bench) that i'm trying to hit and i'm only about 20 lbs off of that right now. So I may only do this program for about 4-6 months max (unless i make great progress).

    what u think gurus?
    2016 Craz

  8. #78
    Join Date
    May 2018


    You should dial in your true 1RM and 18-20 reps on your final set is too many.

    PM me if you need help calculating your 1RM.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2021 Supra SA 400
    2018 Supra SA 400 (SOLD)

  9. #79
    Join Date
    Aug 2018


    Stopped climbing when I hit 30, free climbing 40-50 foot cliffs on fairly easy 5.9 was the most I did but still being that far above ground not roped in wasn't the smartest stint in my life.

    I keep in shape by running my own garage cardio crossfit. Lots of running (15-20 miles per week) and lots of cleans, shoulder press, toe to bar, chest to bar, kettle bell, burpee, jump rope, etc. etc. I sign up for at least three competitions per year to help me stay on target. Finished Spartan Tri-Fecta in 2019 and doing it again in 2020. I find that it is a great race to train for because you need cardio endurance and weight training core endurance. I'm not a huge heavy olympic lift guy but I will do many reps of deadlifts at 185-225, shoulders and cleans at 95-125, and front squats at 95-105. I find that is plenty of weight for my 48 year old ass. Two years ago I set a goal to run a 100+ miles per month. Did just under 1500 miles, that was way too much. I think that 15-20 is great plus the core and core/leg based lifting.
    Thanks - D

    2020 Supra SL450

  10. #80
    Join Date
    Oct 2021


    I'll be taking climbing lessons soon too.

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