My kid sister will be selling her Chevy crew cab pickup and GMC Yukon. Both consume tons of gas and have specialty conversion features no longer needed.

Without going into why, her dream car is a 4-door Jeep Wrangler. Have not asked her, but am guessing the Sahara model. She could buy new, but is sensible with her money, so could be used if available in her market area.

It would be rare, if ever, that the Jeep would leave pavement to travel off road. Most of her miles would be interstate and county roads through hills and mountains of West Virginia. Wants a hitch in the event she needs to tow a light utility trailer.

When I asked what stands in the way of the Jeep, she said gas mileage. I looked at data for the past twenty years and it seems that regardless of year, average mpg is in the 14 – 16 range. Where she lives, it might be even worse mileage.

My questions:

• What, if anything, can be done to a Jeep Wrangler that would produce a material improvement in fuel economy?
• If taken to a specialty auto shop, are there after market products to bolt on or replace OEM that would get fuel economy above 20 mpg? 25 mpg?
• What kind of money would this require?

If unable to show her how her dream car can get much better gas mileage, I think she would buy a Subaru Outback or Forester, both of which are nice cars and get pretty good gas mileage, just not her dream Jeep.

Thanks, guys!