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12-29-2009, 09:08 PM
do any of you ride air chairs , just got news from a member of a fly in montana june 4 5 6 intrested moomba mates?

12-30-2009, 08:47 AM
That another toy I would love to try-looks like a blast

12-30-2009, 03:25 PM
I'm going to get one of these....maybe we should try a group buy?anyone interested

12-30-2009, 03:42 PM
do any of you ride air chairs , just got news from a member of a fly in montana june 4 5 6 intrested moomba mates?

Where? When? Didn't quite grasp this?

12-30-2009, 10:58 PM
Seeley lake motana june 4 ,5 ,6 2010. the air chair fly in

12-30-2009, 11:03 PM
i can set up a goog deal if you guys are intrested in buying air chairs. i deal with www.chinchmax.com .i would only buy sky ski, they are the best to upgrade. i ride a sky ski le pro/ with a flex seat. you will never do anything after getting a chair. come to montana then a will get you up

12-31-2009, 09:26 AM
Link did not work.

12-31-2009, 12:51 PM
www.Cinchmax.com Lonnie is the fella that runs this site. Super nice guy. This is where I bought my foil from and I'll bet he would work something out with ya'll for a group buy. Wouldn't hurt to ask. :-)

Link did not work.

Ian Brantford
12-31-2009, 05:06 PM
Foils are a hoot! A SkySki was my buddy's contribution to the boating effort after I bought my XLV in 2005. He ended up buying from http://www.eastcoasthydrofoils.com, but we've both dealt with Lonnie at CinchMax and can recommend him too.

I'd say that the foil has doubled the value of my boating experience. I ride both wakeboard and foil (neither one particularly well). We spent almost two summers riding the foil most of the time. Now it's back to about 75% wakeboarding, but some of my crew still foil almost exclusively. It is a great recruiting tool for new crew when they see the pictures and videos, because it is so visually spectacular, even at an intermediate skill level. I REALLY like it for the common situation where the water is too choppy to enjoy wakeboarding for long, but it's not bad enough that we want to go home. On a wakeboard, a foot of chop is more exercise than fun, but foils are still fun.

Foils can also be used when you're too tired or beat up from wakeboarding.

Foilers only get invited to wakeboarding shows once. Because of the visual appeal, they tend to steal the show, and are thus not invited back. :-)

Here is some advice merged from my experience and some updates from my buddy...

1. Watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoGqdZNdb_o&NR=1 . Pretend that it has the original much better music. Become convinced that you want take up this sport. Understand that the gear is expensive, but has excellent incremental benefit to the cost of boating.

2. See this forum: http://www.foilforum.com/forums/forum.php . Learn what you can from other users.

3. Try out some acquaintance's equipment if you must. However, scrap any plan to try buying your way in on the cheap. Get these:

3a. Go straight for a mid-range model of hydrofoil. Your skills will rapidly make an entry-level design old hat.

3b. Get the Cinch bindings -- footstays, foot straps and waist strap. Maybe the original ones are improved by now, but at the time the Cinch straps were much bigger and better.

3c. Get the shock tower (with shock absorber). Your back and bum will thank you.

3d. If anodisation is still optional, get it.

3e. Get a foil cover. Both AirChair and SkySki make them. Instead of buying the separate ski/chair cover, we improvised one using a wakeboard bag.

3e. Get the Cinch Neck Roll. We use it for all watersports. http://cinchmax.com/_wsn/page3.html .

3f. If you aren't already, use a properly fitted helmet with ear cups. All of your riding and falls will be done from a greater height.

3g. Get a deep-V rope handle. These are also used for slalom waterskiing. They can help a beginner to keep the hydrofoil's ski from falling over in the first couple of seconds.

4. Get advice on how to drive the boat with a beginner foiler. You go slowly. The forum above should help.

5. Get advice on how to ride as a beginner. It's not something that you can figure out by yourself. This sport has a higher learning curve than other watersports. Some foils might come with a helpful video. The forum above should help.

6. Have a camcorder ready with full batteries. You really don't want to miss those early attempts. They are hilarious. For still cameras, enable burst mode.

7. The funniest attempts to ride are right after the first complete failures, when the rider has enough balance to get out of the water but not enough to stay up. Hijinx ensue. There can be unintended backflips. Spectators should not have full stomachs/bladders/colons, because there is a danger of laughing so hard that one could soil oneself.

8. Get a rack (expensive) soon and avoid the inconvenience of storing this big piece of equipment in the boat's passenger space. I finally got a Comptech rack (http://www.skyski.com/node/93). The only reason that I chose it over the possibly better Samson (http://www.samsonsports.com/hydrofoil_racks.html) is that the Samson is new and has less information publicly available. I have heard from multiple sources that the cheaper Air Boom works, but is a bit shakey and you'll want to upgrade from it. Of course, any model can be improved over time, but that was the situation in 2009.

9. In 2005, SkySki was overwhelmingly favoured on the fora over AirChair, but this information is probably stale. I'd ignore any advice on the two that's more than a year old.

10. I got the Cinch Release. No one liked it. As soon as the rope goes slack, passengers in the boat get slapped in the face with it. It is also a hassle to set it up to release with the right tension. It now sits unused in my shed.

11. Check the main machine screws that hold the parts together, once at the start of each boating day.

12-31-2009, 05:52 PM
so when you wipe out on one of those is it comparable to a wreck on a slalom ski or wakeboard? Or is it magnified on the airchair? Would seem to me that a bad wreck on one of those would work you over much more than ski or board?

But then again, i've never tried one yet........

12-31-2009, 06:15 PM
what do you think of the evo seat?

Ian Brantford
12-31-2009, 11:57 PM
so when you wipe out on one of those is it comparable to a wreck on a slalom ski or wakeboard? Or is it magnified on the airchair? Would seem to me that a bad wreck on one of those would work you over much more than ski or board?

I'd say that the overall risk is lower, because at least half of the time, the hydrofoil takes the impact for you. It's easier for an inexpert rider to inadvertently get a lot of height, so a rare bad crash could be a bit worse. In practise, I do not find it to be any worse than wakeboarding. Let's say that the protective gear that we all ought to be wearing for all watersports are more important for hydrofoiling. In general, just take beginners slowly and it's fine.

Most adults can ride for a bit at 10-12 MPH, and the drag from the water is much less than with a surface sport. A stable ride usually starts around 15-16 MPH. You can do non-trivial jumps starting around 18-20 MPH. Intermediate to expert riders would take it up to about 24 MPH, and some experts go even faster. So, the common speed ranges are similar to wakeboarding.

With the extra height, there is often enough time for the rider to see a crash coming, to fully understand what is going on, yet be unable to prevent it. This is often described afterwards as the biggest thrill. :-)

01-01-2010, 11:23 PM
wipe out are at first bad because it bends you backwards. after you ride more you don't nose dive as much so you don't get wipe lash as much. i have had wipe lash , blood to the top of my skin nice stuff like that. but i jump very high so you crash harder.i ride at 25mph so in a cut close to 30 i would think.

01-01-2010, 11:34 PM
like this landing the foils not taking much here

01-02-2010, 12:55 AM
Been foiling a few years now, I have an old air chair. I think it is the first model they came out with . I really would like to upgrade sometime to the newer model , but something always comes up to spend money on . We will be in Montana again this year but not till August again. Seeley lake is kind of remotely located , I have never had my boat on that lake but have driven by it once on the way up to Flathead Valley . A high school buddy owns a grocery store there Wold's grocery .

01-02-2010, 03:47 PM
if you have a old air chair there is nothing like riding a new one.the new sky ski foil is 18" longer then you foil and they ride so much nicer,more forgiving. i buy a new chair every 3 years.

Ian Brantford
01-03-2010, 11:50 AM
if you have a old air chair there is nothing like riding a new one.the new sky ski foil is 18" longer then you foil and they ride so much nicer,more forgiving. i buy a new chair every 3 years.

Yep. The story I got from other riders was that AirChair had no innovation for a long time (perfectionist trying to get a new design "just right" for a decade or more before releasing), whereas SkySki had continuous revision and got far better for a long time. Four years ago, the now-defunct most popular forum at the time was overwhelmingly in favour of the SkySki. However, AirChair has also had a major improvement released and they are both worth considering.

One thing to keep in mind for foiling: the water should reliably 8 feet deep as a safety margin. That foil might go 3 or 4 feet below the surface when landing from a jump. It is a VERY bad thing to hit an underwater obstacle.

01-04-2010, 04:32 PM
Sky Ski is definitely the way to go. Air Chair is fading fast. Even Gino Yaughtler (spelling), a long time Air Chair rider and considered to be the best hydrofoiler in the world, is now on a Sky Ski. It is hard to find a pro still on an Air Chair. And we don't foil on anything less than 9 to 10 feet of water depth. True, the foil only goes down about 4 feet UNLESS you take a nose dive from a jump. Then the entire thing just shoots down. My brother almost drowned after burying the foil in the bottom of Utah Lake. He was barely able to unstrap himself in time.


01-05-2010, 09:03 PM
some parts of the lake i ride in are 3 feet deep you don't do alot of tricks there. i just do a skidder when i'm there. i have hit bottom befor not nice. water levels were low every wear last year

01-05-2010, 09:04 PM
how many people ride chairs in moomba world?

01-05-2010, 09:50 PM
I like to ride. I don't have chair yet. I probably won't buy until I find a good tower rack to hold the ski. With the other stuff on the tower i would have to get one the mounts on top or change the boards to the top. Would like to ride with Jim some time to see his setup.

I have rode a couple time with the Colorado hydrofoilers, or are they rocky mtn? Any way they are great guys. I shot a vid last year of a guy doing a fly by. He practicarly flipped over our bow. It was awesome.

01-06-2010, 10:47 PM
Yearround, no problem mon!! I usually have a membership to Standley lake in Westy each year , so you can come out whenever . Later, Jim.

01-07-2010, 01:13 AM
i would like to that vidio . that is cool thanks guys

01-07-2010, 11:15 AM
i think this is the you tube link to the video. let me know if you can't see it.

jim, will def get up with you.


01-08-2010, 12:04 AM
that is a cool vid thanks

01-08-2010, 05:10 AM
Myself my son and Daughter
My son is landing flips now he's ready for a upgraded ride
But'll it have to wait University for two is not cheap even in Canada

01-08-2010, 05:11 PM
I ride a foiltech and love it. I want to try Geno's new chair but it is $4600. definitly the most expensive sport without a motor.

01-09-2010, 02:46 PM
Love the Wrap Roachman!

01-12-2010, 01:06 AM
what is a foil teck? i ride a le pro with a lauch b39 foil with bat wings front and rear with a flex seat cinch straps and tower bracket. i have 5000.00 us into my chair

Ian Brantford
01-12-2010, 02:07 AM
what is a foil teck?

I'd like to know, too. I found this site: http://foiltech.org . It's got a relevant picture, but otherwise the Web site is an unmodified template.

Let me guess: the patent that AirChair and SkySki owners shared expired, so now there are some knock-offs on the market? Am I close?

01-12-2010, 11:56 AM
You are more than close :-) Geno Yauchler has a new tbar developed with Sky Ski called the Anser(Named after some bird). And I believe Team Xtreme now has introduced the X40 just days ago. Both are supposed to be pretty hot. I believe the Foiltech has been out for a while from a guy outside the US? And I think there is another tbar coming as well. Should really make things great for the consumer having all these things to ride whatever fits your needs, however in a specialized sport like this, IMO I don't think it's going to drive the price down like competition is supposed to do :-)

I'd like to know, too. I found this site: http://foiltech.org . It's got a relevant picture, but otherwise the Web site is an unmodified template.

Let me guess: the patent that AirChair and SkySki owners shared expired, so now there are some knock-offs on the market? Am I close?

01-12-2010, 08:44 PM
i clicked on all parts and don't find foils or any thing four sale is there another site . what did you pay for your foil?

01-14-2010, 12:11 PM
Foiltech (FT) is made by Garry in Austrialia (he just makes the tbar and wings). It has been around since 2005 i believe. It is a great foil and many of the pros like Jake Bradly and Ben Fern ride it. Check out www.foilforum.com as it is the best site for foiling info. You can always find new wings being developed to upgrade your current foil.

I started off with a ski ski pro and then moved to a B39 then a modified b39 to accept a falcon rear and then to my FT. Mustang if you have a B39 you need to get the rear wing adaptor so you can upgrade that bat wing to a LE style wing. It will increase your performance alot. My buddy that I ride with has an LE and I love that thing also. as others have mentioned Lonnie at Cinchmax is a great guy and can hook you up with some killer deals on ski sky. Evo tower is sweet and the new skeleton tower is a couple of lbs lighter but about 300 more in price.

sky ski pro complete ski= 1300
B39 complete ski with evo about =2400-2500
LE and FT tbars about 1900 (FT)-2100 (LE)
both Xtreme wings and N2O sell some killer wings so check out Bryan and Marty.

Let me know if you guys have any questions.

01-14-2010, 02:16 PM
i'll take a b39 w evo for 2400 :)

01-17-2010, 09:04 PM
Have two right now an old one and a new one. Looking for a rack before the new season starts.