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View Full Version : Busy Week

12-02-2009, 02:05 PM
OK, I'm back. I never really went anywhere though. Some of you will remember the thread where I surprised my twin 9 y/o boys with the dirtbike for their birthday. My brother had the same bike and his son just outgrew it. So I met him in Clermont of all places-- Ed was already in bed though. On Wed. before Thanksgiving the kids were off school and we went out riding. On Thurs. we were busy making 1400 meals for those in need in the community. On Fri. we did the 2:30 am wake up for the Black Friday deals then I took the kids out riding again. On Sat. I took them out again. On Sun. I sat on my hiny and watched football.

Here's a couple of pics of the matched set with kids and then marshmallows after dark:

12-02-2009, 03:23 PM
Kane - both girls have 4 wheelers now, so we need to plan an off-season riding event at Sinclair. That last pic will force me to build a bigger fire pit before you get there though! Maybe after deer season wraps up?

12-02-2009, 03:31 PM
nice. looks like fun....

12-02-2009, 05:08 PM
I'm game. Wait -- after deer season -- I'm down.

I'm glad to hear about the 4-wheelers for the girls. Hard to explain to Donna that riding with someone is more than twice as much fun. Maybe she needs to go out in the boat alone to understand. I had to do the bike thing. The boys did such a great job of sharing -- but I wished I could have given them matching ones. When my brother said he had one I couldn't say "no".