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View Full Version : LSV for Skiing

08-07-2009, 12:17 AM
i am a recreational skier -- no course but solum ski hard -- sales person is pushing me hard on the LSV becasue my first choice the outback V is hard to find. I would appreciaqte an opinion by those who know the LSV; is it a decent ski boat also?

08-07-2009, 09:21 AM
You will be fine skiing behind the LSV.

08-07-2009, 11:40 AM
i just bought the outback v and i find the wake a little rough for my slalom. i believe the lsv produces a little more wake than the outback v. although, it is a great all around boat.

Canuckle Head
08-07-2009, 12:19 PM
i just bought the outback v and i find the wake a little rough for my slalom. i believe the lsv produces a little more wake than the outback v. although, it is a great all around boat.

At what speed are you skiing at?

08-07-2009, 01:23 PM
if he's pushing you hard see if he'll let you drop it in and go for a ride- that will answer your question better than anything else. Also keep in mind that there is a difference between the 2008 and earlier OBV and the 2009 OBV with the 2009 being a little heavier and deeper and thus not quite as nice of a slalom wake.

08-07-2009, 02:12 PM
i just bought the outback v and i find the wake a little rough for my slalom. i believe the lsv produces a little more wake than the outback v. although, it is a great all around boat.

Same impression here, 2008 OBV 32 MPH, wake plate down... wake is little rough but ok for open slalom. Use to ski behinde larson senza flyer (16') with 4,3l mercruser....almost no wake...I was thinking that the OBV will be a great ski boat, but it's a good ski boat.

But we love our OBV...the direct drive wasn't an option with the kid.

08-07-2009, 05:17 PM
i ski at about 32mph at 15 off. i came up skiing on a centurion direct drive. so, for me, the wake is a little rough. i've only had the boat for about 1 1/2 months. i'm sure i will get used to the wake. i love the versatility of the 09 OBV. i just started wakesurfing, what a blast, and the interior space is great.

08-08-2009, 06:43 AM
We slalom behind our LSV but I think it would be difficult to run the course with it. For open skiing, it's great. If by chance you are in MI, I saw an 09 OBV at Club Royale yesterday if you want to check one out.

08-08-2009, 08:32 PM
I'm a skier 1st and we surf and wake board second. There is a reason they rate only the Outback for AWSA acceptable wake. But most boats will clean up at higher speeds 34 - 36. I think at 30 - 32 your gonna need those knees a pumpin' :)

09 Outback V has 27 inch draft, LSV 24, Outback or Mobius LS 22. Those numbers mean something.

08-09-2009, 12:08 AM
I own a Outback dd and skied behind a LSV recently and there is a Big difference. Its skiable but thats it. This was open water so depends what you really want or expect. The Lsv is a very versatile boat but its definetely not for hard skiing. It does everthing else exceptionally well, but in my opinion is not the boat if all you want to do is ski.My .02

08-09-2009, 11:39 PM
i am headed out Tuesday to test drive and ski behind-- Draft is 24 -- i ski behind old 18 ft ski boat now but need more versatility for wakeboarding and skiing -- hope i am pleaseantly suprised

Double D
08-10-2009, 12:19 PM
I had also wondered about this. I stopped at a dealership about a month ago looking to see if they carried a Mobius LS. Dealer said he won't order them because he can't give them away. Only carries 10-15 LSV's, 1-2 OBV, and 1 Outback. Smaller dealership, but it is the closest one to here.

The salesman whom I have known for a few years now (only know because we talk at the boat shows when we see each other) says he slalom skis the course behind the LSV. He said, "obviously the outback is much better, but you could easily ski the course behind the LSV because I do it all the time.". 22 off, 34 mph.

That same evening I skied behind a 07 OBV at 34-36 mph at 22 off and I found it to be a little rough behind the boat as I was coming through the wake. I believe the plate was down all the way.

I am still leaning towards the Mobius LS. Wife wants a V-drive so I am still having to work that issue. Haven't pulled the trigger yet as my kids are still a little young and I am waiting to see what happens with the economy.

Wife and I go to Las Vegas at the end of the month and I am hoping we can get over to Boulder City so I can at least sit in an LS. Still haven't been able to do that yet.

08-10-2009, 01:25 PM
my wife also likes the LSV becaus of seating and we do a lot of family boating so i agree we need the wrap around seating. My other option is to head towards and I/O. I skied behind a 2008 20' GLASTRON about 2 weeks ago. The wake was hard at 30 mph, and wakeboarding was ok.

Tuesday i will trial ski behind it and post a message!

08-10-2009, 02:51 PM

There really is no comparason with a glastron i/o and a moomba v drive. Yes they both float on the water but that's about where it stops. My sister has a glastron and I have an outback v. While the cost to puchase a moomba is more than a glastron it is worth every penny. When I purchased my moomba I had a 3 year old and a 5 year old. We were doing a lot of really slow speed pulling with ski skimmers and trainer ski's. The minimal bow rise and perfect pass help maintain an ideal towing speed when you are pulling at low speeds. This is more difficult when you are operating an i/o. Sure you can do it but it is a headache compared to a direct drive or v drive boat. Out outback V is a great family boat.

08-10-2009, 11:30 PM
I'm no pro by any means but skiing at 22 off at 34 is ok but the pros warm up at 32off and 34,36mph and i can say i' wouldn;t do it unless you want to fly lots skiing behind an LSV. Yes its skiiable but thats about where it ends. A couple guys on here have the LS DD and usind the plate its actually a nice skiing boat. Depends on what you really want. Demo one if possible rather than taking anybody inclucing my word for it if you can. Then the decision is yours and not a salesmans trying to make a sale.The only tournament rated SC ski boat at the momennt is the Outback DD.I believe

08-11-2009, 11:36 AM
Man there is no comparison between and I/O and a DD or VD. Like was said they both float, that's about it. The Mobius LS a bigger DD than the Outback has been called by some the perfect crossover boat. With it's extra foot over the OUtback and extra width is a very roomy boat. Yes everyone loves the wrap around seating , but sticking that giant 325 or 340 hp motor in the back takes it's toll.

08-11-2009, 01:45 PM
I had an 07 Outback DD. Currently trading my 08 Supra 21V for a 22 SSV for the new features and shear comfort factors. Most people in my group have their own cruisers, power boats, pontoons.... I love the comfort and versatility of the V drives.

HOWEVER, I am also researching a Moomba Bommerang to buy as strictly a ski boat for me and my one budy that still like to test ourselves on the course. A neighbor has one of these boats and it is hard to believe, but the wake is almost nothing even compared to my old Outback DD.

Since I don't own the course we use, I would never consider even driving my V drive through it.

On the bright side, after a few beers I can make it wake to wake behind my 21V at 22 off and 32mph.

Double D
08-11-2009, 04:47 PM
I will agree completely with ABUCKOTOMAMBO.

It was his OBV that I skied behind. While I said above that I felt the wake was a little hard, it is nothing in comparison to an IO. I have skied behind 20 Sea Ray's, a 24' Malibu Wakesetter (thank the Maker the ballasts weren't filled), and last week a 17.5 foot Bayliner.

As a former owner of a SKI RAY, that wake has been one of the best wakes in terms of skiing that I have experienced. The next closest to that would be the Dyna-Ski I got to ski behind a week ago and then the OBV that ABUCK..owns. The OBV was comparable to the older SKI RAY. The Dyna-Ski was pretty incredible.

Trust me... ski behind a Larson, Glastron, whatever IO and you won't be close to what the OBV is. I would be interested in seeing wake profiles compared to the LSV just for some reference.

Now if I could only get the wife to let me pull the trigger on the Mobius LS. ABUCK....I may need some help on this one!

08-11-2009, 09:20 PM
I skiied this morning behind a MC Barefooter with a 200 Black Max. My Outback wake is better. Believe it or not the wake from this barefooter was rock hard, and I was airborne on every cut. Not to brag but I feel I'm experienced enough for this not to bother me, but it surely was not what I was expecting.

08-11-2009, 11:39 PM
Well I guess I haven't been checking the boards lately but going from an old MasterCraft stars and stripes my wife and I had our heart set on an outback V. Well until we hit the boat show and sat in an outback V and then the LS. There is a TON of room in this boat and we DO ski the Course and we don't ski it fast!!! I get tired of people on here saying yeah just crank it up to 32 or 34 and you will be fine. Ok tell my 12 year old son that when he is going down the course at 25mph! He does this behind our LS without any problems! Oh and by the way we surf, we wakeboard, we kneeboard and we slalom ski with a factory stock 2008 Mobius LS! I had to make a choice, did I want that awesome open playpen or did I want a ski boat that does all the other wake sports too (and really does have alot of room)!? The interior decor lost and the skiing won!

We LOVE our LS! Again if you find one sit in it and tell me there is no room! Or better yet come see me and you can ride in our boat while we pull my 9 year old daughter on her ski at 18mph.....and watch her cross the wake with NO PROBLEMS!

08-12-2009, 11:11 PM
tonite i skied behind the LSV -- Actually it wasn't bad -- my son who is a good recreational slalom skier did quit well at 30mph. When i skied there is definetly a wake difference from my old 18' outboard but actually not bad as the wake is bigger but softer.

Since we will not likely ski courses etc... i am going to buy the LSV. The rap around seating, flexibility to wakeboard/surf and ski has convinced me. Now maybe the hardcore course carving slalom skier would never consider the LSV but i have a family that does it all and including using it as a slow cruiser on nice evenings where i can smoke a cigar, have a beer and soclialize with friens and family.

08-12-2009, 11:37 PM

Sounds like you found your boat! :D

I know you will enjoy it!!!

08-18-2009, 02:28 PM
i now have 10 hours on my 09 LSV and love it! SSkiing is fine-- Wake surfing is a blast!

08-18-2009, 03:00 PM
This whole thread has me reconsidering whether I want the OBV or if I want to change my mind and get the LSV.

Great reading and thanks for sharing your expertise on the boats mentioned, you just made my decision that much harder...LOL

08-18-2009, 06:40 PM
i understand -- the best advice -- try them both out -- i am a good recreational solum skier and i think the LSV is fine for that -- if you really want to just cut courses maybe it isn't right -- for me i needed all around boat for everything and i can do that plus be able to load it up wit people -- seating in LSV is TERRIFIC!

08-18-2009, 07:38 PM
i understand -- the best advice -- try them both out -- i am a good recreational solum skier and i think the LSV is fine for that -- if you really want to just cut courses maybe it isn't right -- for me i needed all around boat for everything and i can do that plus be able to load it up wit people -- seating in LSV is TERRIFIC!

I fall into the same boat on every aspect here.. (pun intended)!

HMM, off to take a look at the LSV options and colors. One thing I know I like about the LSV, and this is completely off topic, is the color option on the deck.

08-18-2009, 08:59 PM
You guys need to start looking at the LS.

08-18-2009, 11:02 PM

I have come to the conclusion that there is a new rule it, is called the:
"room over function rule"
Part of the problem with this rule is that unless a dealer stocks an LS nobody is ever going to believe how much room it has. So they sacrifice skiing performance for the open space that you can't sit in anyway. At least I can sit on the motor box. The extreme case of this is called a Pontoon boat. :p
The LS has another rule associated with it, it is called the:
"best cross over boat"
But again unless the dealers stock them and people get to try them they won't know about the all around abilities of what SC calls their cross over boat.
Quoted from SC:
The Mobius LS brings more spaciousness, more comfort, more versatility to the direct- drive tournament water sports boat category. She is a cross-over specialist. So if your day on the lake includes skiing, wakeboarding, wakeskating, tubing, and a healthy dose of socializing, you likely won’t find a better companion for your friends and family than the LS. :rolleyes:

Finally there is one other rule that applies to this and the other DD (the Outback) and that rule is:
"first out of the hole rule"
This is my favorite rule because it pretty much states that the DD's rule the VD's out of the hole! Just look at all the magazine tests and you will see! Or come to Deerpoint and Bring it On! :cool:

Finally I wrote this as someone who for years said I am going to get a MasterCraft Maristar!!!!! So what I end up getting a Gorgeous "real" skiboat called the Moomba Mobius LS and WE love her!!! :D

08-19-2009, 12:06 AM
I thought my comment would bring you out of your shell :D

08-19-2009, 05:04 PM
my brother has one -- try riding in the back seat with a slalom skier in tow--not a great family oriented ride. I asked our local dealer about the LS and he states they don't even order them anymore--
I am not saying they aren't good cross over boats, but they aren't as family friendly--

08-19-2009, 05:10 PM
This is my favorite rule because it pretty much states that the DD's rule the VD's out of the hole! Just look at all the magazine tests and you will see! Or come to Deerpoint and Bring it On! :cool:

Ok, I'll bring it.

Flint river mini jam in 3 weeks.


08-19-2009, 11:01 PM
my brother has one -- try riding in the back seat with a slalom skier in tow--not a great family oriented ride. I asked our local dealer about the LS and he states they don't even order them anymore--
I am not saying they aren't good cross over boats, but they aren't as family friendly--

Never seen any real ski boats that you could sit in the back. I'm a family of 5, all 3 kids can surf (ages 6 7 and 9), 2 of them with no rope. My 9 yr old will give most rec skiers a run for there money on his slalom, that he has been able to deep water start since he was 7. He can almost go wake to wake on his wakeboard and we don't have a tower. I ski 3 sets every morning at 36 mph. My wife skiies a double high wrap, and can surf with no rope as can I. Explain to me the family thing again? :)

08-20-2009, 09:12 AM
We do have to jam the kids all up front when somebody skis. Using the pylon costs us 3-4 seats in the back. The argument is that, unless you are running the course (in which case you'd take everyone out of the boat anyway), for recreational skiing the v-drive boats would be more comfortable for a large group.

08-20-2009, 08:27 PM
ED G right on --

08-20-2009, 11:00 PM
Yeah you all are all correct.
1.)If you want a real ski boat you buy a DD. The compromise here is won by the fact that you value skiing the most and duh that is why you buy a skiboat.
2.)If you want a family boat that is sexier than a pontoon boat, you wakeboard and surf you buy a VD. The skiing is not valued as high as the room. This boat is called a V-drive, but it is not a ski boat.
3.)If you don't want to surf and just wakeboard some and don't want to spend the money you buy a I/O. Why pay the big bucks when several less expensive but heavy boats can make a big wake. Hummm get more for less, but again it is not a ski boat.
4.)If you want to fish and go FAST and maybe ski but not wakeboard you buy a Outboard (also known as a bass boat). Not only that but you will have the best top speed and the side of the boat might say Ranger, or Bass Master or something cool like that. Again this is not a ski boat.
5.) If your funds are short, and you want to go fast, are willing to give up all thoughts of a playpen, can accept a bench seat and might pull a wakeboarder or a tube you buy a PWC. Nope not a ski boat either.
6.) If you want the most room, are old and don't care what is sexy but having a grill is most important you buy a pontoon boat. Don't even ask!

The Outback is a Ski boat! The LS is a multipurpose boat that can go down the ski course hence it is also a ski boat, not as good a ski boat but for those wanting more room in a ski boat there is only one choice, it is obvious the LS is the best! Case closed! Everyone is happy now! :D

08-20-2009, 11:19 PM
my brother has one -- try riding in the back seat with a slalom skier in tow--not a great family oriented ride. I asked our local dealer about the LS and he states they don't even order them anymore--
I am not saying they aren't good cross over boats, but they aren't as family friendly--


When you buy a real slalom ski boat and you head to the course (we have 3 on our little lake) you don't bring the family and all the friends maybe 4 at the most. When we recreational ski with the kids (and adults) do you think they notice the rope is attached to the tower, there is no reason to attach it to the ski pole and make people move? As a recreational boat we had 10 people sitting in it including my son who likes to sit in the middle seat, also known as the engine cover, which can actually seat 2 and everyone was happy.
The LS can pull wakeboarders and surfers with no problem, just watch the videos on this site. So to give up going down a slalom course because I have to step about a foot more to the right (port side) when heading towards the back of the boat makes no sense to me and has never been an issue (dang dude I am not that lazy). Not only that I gotz the faster boat and paid less for it! :cool:

Double D
08-24-2009, 03:41 PM
zegm: You are the very reason why I will be buying an LS. Well said on everything.

Let's just hope Skiers Choice continues to make them.

My family will be in an LS. Hands down, no questions....now if I could get the wife to let me pull the trigger.

I guess until then I will have to dream about my LS while behing pulled behind Abuckamotombo's OBV.

08-24-2009, 11:49 PM
Z Dakota has been riding my Walkers Project, but I'm sure little Z is gonna dig any skim style board.

I'm on board with the hole DD LS thing. Z knows from our conversations that this is the boat we will go to when we sell our Outback. And I was as well skiing a course sunday morning with a group. There was an 190 MC pulling and my Outback. There was a guy in a MC 209 watching. He made it a point to come and tell me how impressed he was with my Outback.

Just imagine how impressed he would have been with a V Drive in the course :)

08-25-2009, 09:19 PM
My good buddy sold his 209 this year and we used to ski it a lot. It was Ok but he loves skiing my Outback DD next thing to his partners Responce lxi. Hes trying to set up a day we go together and compare side by side although both guys are still very impressed considering the price difference.
My buddy wants a crossover boat and i keep mentioning LS,so we will see. Hes been looking into Nautique and Malibu v drives so far. He really wants a DD again but wife wants a Vdrive so we''ll see who wins out.HA HA

08-26-2009, 09:49 AM
Mickey, your are correct, the LS would be the boat for him. But I think the 209 and the LS are about the same size, no?

08-26-2009, 09:31 PM
Yes Very similar.