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View Full Version : Moomba a firefighting Machine!!!

06-16-2009, 12:57 AM
What a wild weekend for us. Started with our first ER visit for our three and half year old. All turned out ok, he dislocated a toe when he slipped on the dock.

Sunday when we are packing up to leave the cabin and head into town a bad thunderstorm developed right over the lake. Lightning all over the place. As I closed the back door blinds I see smoke on the other side of the lake. Next thing we know a few crowns of the trees are torching up.

We reported the fire and about 10 minutes later I was asked to transport firefighters and gear across the lake as there is no road access.

Before I launched to go pick up the crew, my neighbor, a pastor came down and offered a prayer as lightning was shooting across the sky. With the giant lightning rod (tower) and the antenna (new Endless Surf rack) on top of the boat we needed all the help we could get.

In the end the crews put the fire out in a few hours. My wife took a few pictures, but the're from quite a distance and don't do the scene justice(I'll post what I can). Needless to say a few "wobbly pops" were in order.:D

06-16-2009, 08:02 AM
Great story. By any chance, is your boat red? Sorry to hear about your daughter. Hope she recovers fast and soon. Being a good Samaritan in a situation bring good JUJU to you and your family. Past pictures when you have a chance. I agree with Ed. Send your story and pictures to Natalie Carrera . I am sure she would love to hear all about it.

06-16-2009, 08:34 AM
Great story Kurt.
Fortunate that it happened when someone was there to see it start. Amazing how quickly the firefighters can get these fires under control if they on them early.
You might have to add a red flashing light to your tower.

Did the Pastor join you for the wobbly pops?

06-16-2009, 10:12 AM
WOW! Great story. I think I better join you for one right now.

06-16-2009, 10:33 AM
Wow !! Life is an adventure , you never know what it will bring next. 2 summers ago when we came up we seem to have brought the forest fires with us up the valley. They started at Ronan and went north.I am sure you remember it well . I hope this summer is better than that one was. Congrats on the quick reacting with the fire , anytime the firefighters can get a quick start is the better.

06-16-2009, 10:44 AM
WOW! Great story. I think I better join you for one right now.

ditto for me!

AWESOME job Kurt!

06-16-2009, 10:47 AM
Well, you know what time it is in Ireland after all.

06-16-2009, 10:52 AM
Nice work. It's always good karma to do good deeds! Just this weekend we went to grab a piece of driftwood that we almost hit. Turned out to be a 25ft long tree that had gotten itself out in the lake. That took some work to move but I didn't want anyone to hit it.

06-16-2009, 11:04 AM
Wish everyone had that mentality. I try to fill my garbage bag on the way in at the end of the day. There's always cans and water bottles floating in the river. I hope they are just blowing out and not being tossed out by the people who are trying to enjoy the water.

06-16-2009, 09:08 PM

I'm working on the pictures. I called out to one of the neighbors who may have better photos. He said he would e-mail some in a few days. So I'm trying to create an album of our poor photos, but it (the program would only upload one). Any suggestions.

06-16-2009, 11:40 PM
A firefighting, slaloming, wakeboarding, wakesurfing moomba, now THAT's a great crossover boat :D

06-17-2009, 04:21 AM

I'm working on the pictures. I called out to one of the neighbors who may have better photos. He said he would e-mail some in a few days. So I'm trying to create an album of our poor photos, but it (the program would only upload one). Any suggestions.

If there too big it wont upload.

Open the picture up on your desktop like normal.

Right click and hit Edit.

Then on the top of the screen is the option to Image.

Click that and goto Stretch/skew

You will get some dimensions change the top two that say 100 to 25.

Then Click File top left corner and Save As

Then upload those new ones ya saved.

06-17-2009, 08:15 PM
Guys, here are a few other pics my wife took. In one of them if you enlarge it you can see a couple of the firefighters and gear on the shoreline after dropping them and going back for more. If my neighbor sends me any close up photos I'll post them when I get them.

Thanks for the info mmandley
