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View Full Version : Spent some time with an Old Friend today..

11-15-2008, 04:34 PM
after neglecting her for a month, I went and spent some time in her!
I removed the decals on the side to prepare for new look!
I found that Mythical screw that Al C posted in his winterization thread and emptied the water out of the muffler.. Repaired my cover from where I messed up a month ago..and I replaced the black rubber gasket/pads on the rear Tower feet(some of you have experienced the issue of them slipping out..).. I tightend the bolts a bit tighter this time!!
It was nice to hang out in her and listen to the radio too..

It sure is quiet on here these days.. sad time of year!

11-15-2008, 05:15 PM
why is the boat cover so poofy Ed?

11-15-2008, 08:13 PM
I also located the "mythical screw" and drained the muffler in my '05 for the 1st time. She's covered up out in the garage waiting for spring.

11-15-2008, 08:36 PM
I see that you have stickered Martha up.

I need to get one of the Cheapo covers myself.. I park mine in a covered fence, but it gets dust/poo all over it. That would be helpful for long winter sits..

No suds in the driver seat today.. just work...but was still peaceful to be there... Thanks for rubbing in that you are still riding.. I have an invite to ride with a friend tomorrow but have some church commitments plus it is gonna be 31 tonight!!!!!


11-16-2008, 04:18 PM
I could but wouldn;t take a picture of my boat cover which is kinda similar to yours, except mine as of last night has about 3 inches of snow on it.
We were doing very well for this time of year to not have had any snow that has stayed buy who knows now.
Surprisingly since yesterday was bright and sunny and about 13 celcious cant remember farenheit conversion.Warm enough for tshirt and pants maybe.
My only other coment would be is Do you pull with that Tarp on ?Looks kinda loose and would flap around and do the scratchy thing if ya know what i mean.
Enjoy your day out as i now have to go shovel a little snow.

11-17-2008, 03:09 PM
Mikey, I never, ever tow the boat with a cover on.

Yesterday's day out wasn't that bad...air temp was ~68 degrees and water temp was 65.

Thats nasty for Central Florida weather, but...I had my surfboard and a shorty wetsuit and simply couldn't resist jumping in.

Ed, you know how luck you are.... My boat is hibernating until next spring. BTW, our water temps never got much past 70 degrees this year because the winter runoff was so late and so big.
65 degree water temps is warm for me!

11-18-2008, 10:23 AM
I remember a Thangsgiving Day in IL after early dinner when we broke out the dirtbikes. Right before dark we got about 6 in. dropped on us. We were doing doughnuts in the new snow and didn't want to rack it up.