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08-20-2008, 03:42 PM
There is some controversy on the LS (not V) wake for skiing. I personally think it is HUGE! I am used to the wake of an old small very light 190. Any new boat would probably be big compared to that. Here is a shot of me flying over the scary wake!


08-20-2008, 04:05 PM
Mrs Z,

Wake behind our LS really seems to decrease in height and soften at 29-31mph. This past weekend tried at 15' off at 32mph seems really nice. We're not great skiers though so not sure what ideal would be like. We are really happy with the LS for an all around boat.


08-20-2008, 05:46 PM
In my search for an all-purpose craft I'm very interested in responses with pictures to this thread. Half of my friends and family wake board and half ski. Some do both and I'd like to try barefooting.

08-20-2008, 06:31 PM
Eager, We ski, wakeboard and now surf. Originally we thought we wanted an Outback V cause you gotta LOVE that room in a V. But we took it for a test drive and man THAT wake was big...way bigger than our LS DD. I suggest that you test drive a DD and a V. If skiing is important then ski behind the boat too. That way you will know. I like our LS because there IS a lot of room, even though we share it with that awesome engine. I CAN ski through the course, I just have to re-learn how to ski with a bigger wake. Then we can fill the ballast and surf. And we can still walk around the boat.... Pretty cool.
The Vs have WAY more room and make a bigger wake which is good... or not so good depending on your sport of choice. Test it out is the answer.
Like Kaneboats said, there are many Moomba owners who will take you for a ride and let you see. Your dealer will too.

08-20-2008, 08:03 PM
Check top speeds for V drives if you want to barefoot. Beginners tend to want to go faster, around 40 (depending on your weight). Of course you can use trainer shoes to lower the speed. Also, you will probably want a barefoot boom, which is difficult to find for V-drive boats. Just some thoughts that you may not have considered.

08-20-2008, 09:01 PM
Thats true. I will need a boom because my kids are young and inexperienced on the water and learning to foot would be much tougher without it.

Anyone ever ski behind a 210 ?

08-21-2008, 12:12 PM
[QUOTE=MrsZ;45089]There is some controversy on the LS (not V) wake for skiing. I personally think it is HUGE! I am used to the wake of an old small very light 190. Any new boat would probably be big compared to that. Here is a shot of me flying over the scary wake!

Did the same first time out Fill front ballast full Rear 1/2-3/4 full. Wake plate 3/4 to full down Then play with the speed I was skiing at 35mph Now 27 mph-29 mph wake is way flatter Thought I forgot how to cut through the wake first time out Now I LOVE IT. got the wake flattened out and WOW.

08-21-2008, 08:34 PM
Aerophoto, Really??? You made the wake smaller with ballast? That amazes me!

Wow! I am a senior now!

08-21-2008, 10:18 PM
Alright enough now, I never called you old!

08-21-2008, 11:07 PM

Sorry no pictures. It's 58-65F degrees for a high last few days therefore no skiing. It will be labor day before next photo ops. Will try to post after Sept 1st.

08-22-2008, 03:20 PM

Actually Ginny blurted that out from the computer while I was sitting nearby watching the poor showing of the American Track stars in the Olypics. What she meant and was proud to say was that she hit 100 posts!!!! I believe she might be the first woman to do such a thing and if so then SC and Natalie should at least send her a Moomba Towel. Especially since we never got a goodie bag and the fact that Ginny was one of the very few that didn't win anything at the Tampa Jamboree. Now what people don't know was that I promised her that she would win something at the Jamboree and it would most likely be one of the surfboards. I mean this was the bait I used to get her to sit in the truck for 6 and 1/2 hours on the way to Land o lakes.

08-22-2008, 04:17 PM
EVERYBODY in our family won something...except me. That is what Mike is talking about. My personal ticket got bupkis. As a family, we raked the goodies in!

The TRUTH is that he is a little embarrased about his Ariel towel and wants to get a Moomba towel!

08-22-2008, 04:40 PM
Ed, Yes Zachary (the real Z) did win an awesome ski! This is right after I spend almost 300 dollars on an HO Judge for him! So I am thinking yeah I will put this ski and the lights Eliza won on Ebay. Of course I am thinking that at the instant that they each won. Well looking at the smiles on their faces it wasn't about what they won, it was that they had the winning tickets and they got to go up and get some goodies!!! So Zachary has skied on the ski and Eliza had momma install her lights. And I wore my new Moomba hat all the way home. But I felt bad that the owner of the boat, the best skier in the family, the one who wakeboards 2 months after having 3 vertibrae fused didn't win anything. But later I realized that she left there really happy, she had fun, you and your wife taught her a new sport that she is hooked on and most of all she left with several new awesome friends!!!! So yes we all won! It was a Great time!!!! :D

08-22-2008, 06:06 PM
We did not have a big prize either,actually the last 3 jamborees we have attended. who started this whole jamboree stuff anyway, i wanna talk to him.

Hey Ed, did you get some water in your lake? any pictures of the difference-before rain and after rain? saw a picture of the winter haven chain on tv and they look full now.

08-22-2008, 06:39 PM
Aerophoto, Really??? You made the wake smaller with ballast? That amazes me!

Wow! I am a senior now!

Flatter it is a matter of getting the boat to plane better so you want nose down weight even then the wake will be flat.
It is the opposite of getting the wake bigger to get a huge wake put a lot of weight in the rear and your plate full up and raise the nose forcing a bigger wake to get it flatter even out the weight put plate about 1/2 way down force the nose down. It takes a few runs and then you will know. Had to develop a new hand signal so I could signal the driver where to put the plate.

08-22-2008, 07:50 PM
Ariel of Disney Fame Rocks!!!!!!! I am not ashamed of my Ariel beach towel MrsZ, I just forgot it when we left PC to go to Tampa. :rolleyes:

We will have to experiment more with the wakeplate the next time we slalom.