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View Full Version : Wakesurf Obrien Alias 5'0"

07-10-2008, 06:59 AM
Anyone try the Obrien Alias. I know the recommendations have been CWB ride, tsunami, walker Project and Island Surfer. My local shop is 2 minutes from me at the lake house and only carry O'brien, which I have been satified with over the years. Any thoughts, just a convenience factor and No shipping costs. 199.00 at the shop. I have never tried it yet.

PS i have Ronix wakeboards

07-10-2008, 08:27 AM
Ed, I knew you would come through,

The bigger the better for short fat guys. 5'10 200


07-10-2008, 12:01 PM
if you had to choose between the Ride and the Alias and price was not a factor which one would you choose and why? I can not find any data on the nose rocker of the alias. I was wondering if they rode the same and if the alias would do well with a smaller wake like the Ride.

07-10-2008, 12:13 PM
Ed, Thanks.

Is the Alias as easy to ride and stay on the wave as the Ride or is the Ride "easier".

07-10-2008, 12:39 PM
you made mention of the single fin vs 3 fin design and on the link to the alias, it mentions having single fin and being a faster ride...
I have LF Venture 5'6".. It has small fin up front and 3 fins in rear.. is there any experimentation to be had with removing rear fins? would there be any benefits/challenges to riding with only 2 outer or 1 center?
I have been off the surfer lately as time has been precious and I focused on wake boarding when out.. I am getting to the point where i can maintain slack for a bit, but not ready to toss the rope.. just curious if there was some benefit to messin with fins..

Also, my wife is struggling to get up on the board this year.. mainly keeping the board lined up behind the boat... I am thinking we should pull her up on a longer rope/further behind the boat.. Thoughts?

07-10-2008, 02:51 PM
Let me put it this way...

I would rather see you grab the Alias and get out there surfin'

then be sittin' in your living room waiting for a sale on the Ride.

Thanks Ed, all this has been very helpful. Right now we are out surfing on an ocean board that loves to submarine the nose. This is still a ton of fun even on that board.

I really want a wake specific one that has some rocker on the nose unlike our flat ocean board. Funds are VERY limited and I just want to get one to hold us through the summer as well as provideing us with an all around board that anyone can learn on. Sounds like the Alias will be able to do that. My brother-in-law and I are ocean surfers (he surfed in Hawaii and I surfed in Jax Beach, FL) and this board may be good for us to progress a little as well as acting as a good newbie board.

07-10-2008, 10:51 PM
You know, and I'm sure Ed can correct me if I'm wrong, but I would swear that my Walker Project board was almost flat.

JV for 199.00 bucks just get it and if you look to experiment in the future with more exotic boards at least you have a steady stick to go back to. No one ever said it was agianst the law to own more than one board. I know I'm looking forward to hooking up with some guys at the Jamboree to ride other boards. I only hope I can ride fair before then so I can feel the differences

07-11-2008, 12:51 PM
I'm not sure what you mean when you say that your wife has trouble keeping the board lined up behind the boat.

When I was taught to surf, I was told to always point the nose towards the center of the rear of the boat. I still do that.

SHe has trouble keeping the board lined up to get started. I think part of the issue is the surf rope is pullin off the tower and that keeps her pretty close to the boat.. I think I will try her from pylon next time before going to long..

I think we have been getting up by keeping the board a little more perpindicular to the boat than pointed towards it..

BUT, see this link, http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/87668/598669.html?1215740850
I have to finish repairing my board before we ride agaiN!

07-12-2008, 11:43 AM
SHe has trouble keeping the board lined up to get started. I think part of the issue is the surf rope is pullin off the tower and that keeps her pretty close to the boat.. I think I will try her from pylon next time before going to long..

I think we have been getting up by keeping the board a little more perpindicular to the boat than pointed towards it..

BUT, see this link, http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/87668/598669.html?1215740850
I have to finish repairing my board before we ride agaiN!


We pull off the tower and we start off with the board completely perpendicular to the direction of travel. The rope being attached up high helps pull the surfer up onto the board, and the board being perpendicular helps get you on the board "square". As soon as you are up and the fins grab the water, the nose of board will rotate towards the boat.

That's what works for us anyway.


07-14-2008, 11:27 PM
thanks guys.. I think we'll try the long line / handle next time to get used to getting up!

thanks for the suggestions/help


07-15-2008, 12:57 PM
I saw this today while searching for something else.. this is from a few weeks ago, but there was a ride for sale in Atlanta used:
2nd post I think..