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View Full Version : Addition to the Family

05-02-2008, 02:24 PM
After more than two years of lobbying by my family, we brought home an eight-week old chocolate Labrador retriever in September of last year. She's a wonderful addition to the family. Her name is Wrigley. Looking forward to adding her to the boat crew and hoping that she really takes to the water.

05-02-2008, 11:00 PM
Deerfield, great looking puppy. A good water dog is always a blessing for boat people!

05-03-2008, 02:57 AM
Great looking pup.I have a 13yr old chocolate lab.He is our first child and is great with the kids.Enjoy her.

05-03-2008, 06:50 AM

Congrats, cute little puppy. I am partial to chocolates and I am on my second in 15 years, and we have to yellows. Labs are great dogs, part of the family.

Hide you shoes and but some "kongs"

Take lots of pics they grow up really fast 15lbs become 60 to 70lbs quickly and they don't even realize it.

05-04-2008, 09:54 PM
Congrats on the new Puppy. I Love Labs. They are the best. I have had my white lab for about 6 years now. Shw always goes vamping with us. Hide the shoes and keep an eye on your trees. Mine chewed through a branch and carried it around the backyard for a while. Replace many sprinkler heads as well. Now shes older and wiser. Love her to death.

05-04-2008, 10:47 PM
Great Looking Pup!!....Hey Ed the book Marley and me is a huge hit at our house. I am next to read it. Can"t wait my wife is in tears laughing while reading it. I am reading Rescuing Sprite...A book about real life dog rescue and family. Mark levin wrote this. National Talk radio guy, Great read ...Also marley and me is going to the big screen! So I am told...Keep luv'n Them pups!

05-05-2008, 06:27 AM

Cute pup as well. Marley and me is a big hit here as well. My wife just picked up rescuing spirit on our trip south. I am next .Happy Reading.

05-05-2008, 03:23 PM
Dog named "Wrigley" -- I'm a fan. Congrats!

05-12-2008, 04:44 PM
Deerfield - We too succumbed to the requests for a puppy two years ago. Got one that looks remarkably like yours. Two years later, she is one dog buscuit away from 100 lbs of romping stomping energy. She hasn't eaten a shoe (or electric cord, speaker wire, coffee table, window frame, etc.) in a while now, though I'd recommend you keep them out of the way for a while. On the other hand, she'll fetch a tennis ball until your arm falls off or a stick out of the lake until it sinks from being water logged. I've questioned my sanity several times in the last couple years for getting a second dog (the other is an 85lb shepherd mix farm mutt), but we love her to pieces.

05-12-2008, 09:08 PM
Love her Deerfield! Labs are great. We have had 1 choc lab mix, and hosted a long time friends old lab after Katrina took his home... We kept Gumbo for almost 2 years after Katrina.. He was 13 and had a stroke while living with us... we miss him! Now we just have sterling.. our nearly 9 Weimeraner! Wonderful, loving, loyal dog!

Make sure you get plenty of sacrificial toys!