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View Full Version : Ireland: Day 3

06-30-2007, 03:20 AM
Day 3 turned out to be a winner in Enniskillen. Bottom line: no rain.
So while the boys might not have been riding in Lake Powell conditions
(61 degree water, roughly same air, grey skies), we were able to put boards in the water.

Enniskillen proved out to be roughly a 2.5 hour drive from Birr. Roughly 25,000 people live in this Northern Ireland community. The city center is surrounded on all sides by water. A fantastically beautiful setting. At the center of town is Enniskillen Castle. Ben got some wicked air riding directly in front of it. Outside of town are several ancient ruins. I believe Reed and Trevor primarily rode in front of these sites.

Took the time to walk into a 'Public' school -- I believe the equivalent of our private schools. Portage was its name. Oscar Wilde and Samuel Beckett are both graduates. I saw pictures on the wall of Rugby teams dated back to the late 1800s. The building had that classic look, and it sat on a hill that overlooked the city and surrounding countryside. Impressive. Wandered the halls a bit. Placques dedicated to war dead dating back to Crimean war.
With only a few professors collecting their scattered possessions from last term and maintenance crews at work pulling it back together the school looked a bit like we caught it with its pants down ... but imposing nonetheless.

Apparently Enniskillen was the site of one of the worst bombings during the troubles. Sad, particularly since the town is as picturesque as any we have seen here and the people were great to work with. Thanks in particular to Katrina in the Waterways Ireland office.

For what its worth. the Launch 24SSV Gravity Games edition performed flawlessly. We thank her owner for allowing us to borrow the boat for the week here in country.

Today we are off to Waterford to visit the Frisby family. Looks like a largely grey day, but I can see patches of blue in the sky.

The boys apparently are sleeping in a bit ... no one has stirred and its 7:30am. Of course, I left Enniskillen to return to Birr last night to spend a little time with Josh and Kate Sanders. Yep, they made it here. Thanks to Aer Lingus for getting them on board despite a full house on the plane.

Again, more props to the 'Thatch' restaurant in Birr. Another great meal.

Time to ride. Talk to you later.