View Full Version : 2020 max starboard surf tab stuck.

08-08-2022, 06:34 PM
Out surfing over the weekend and could not get the wave to clean up when surfing Portside .stopped zeroed both plates port and starboard side and still nothing felt down to the boat and starboard plate is stuck down. Shut it back off for about an hour or so while we swam and turn the power switch to off hoping maybe that would reset an issue. Turn back on went through it’s reset zero the plates butstarbord plate still stuck read out shows that it is moving up and down on the gauge but the actuator does not move it all and does not have any sound. Looked in there the best I could without pulling any walls off does anyone know the location of fuses or breakers that need to be looked at before pulling the actuator?

08-08-2022, 08:01 PM
Don't get in a hurry.
Breakers could be the issue look in the engine hatch and by the batteries and under the dash.

Also, several have had this problem and had to have the software flashed on the screen. Problem was fixed after that.

Still could be a bad actuator but that would be last on my list not first.

08-08-2022, 08:34 PM
Had same happen on 21SA, dealer had to do a programming update.

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08-08-2022, 10:25 PM
It’s about 102. Here in western ok. It’s about 135 in the shop hahah. I looked briefly in the engine hatch by the batteries in under the dash honestly didn’t put a whole Lotta effort into it yet because it’s so hot out there I was just hoping to have a better idea where to start pulling panels off possibly. Would like to get in there with the test light first and see if it’s sending a signal and go from there before I go to dealer . keep the replies coming I’m open to all ideas

08-08-2022, 10:52 PM
My dealer told me to turn battery switch off then back on, key forward to cycle tabs and see if it resets. Exercise the breakers in the engine bay. If both of those don’t correct the tab, it likely needs to be reflashed.

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09-07-2022, 05:28 PM
After talking with the dealer he feels like it’s probably a bad actuator tried to get some and they were on back order in the meantime I unpin the Surftab side of the actuator and screw the actuator shaft in and repin the actuator still not able to move the actuator but at least I can use the boat while waiting on parts just can’t surf left. I will be taking it in on Friday morning I will keep post updated

09-07-2022, 05:54 PM
Try switching your port and starboard actuator to see if it behaves the same.

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09-07-2022, 09:29 PM
This happens to me every 15-20 times we do transfers from port to starboard or back. I have to turn the boat on and off and fixes it.

My software version is MoombaBP_MY22_47740_20211206

09-17-2022, 02:03 PM
The dealer found a pin not fully seated in the back of the bulkhead connector into the PDM got it seated. Now right serve tab works left serve tab does not work and when it does it just does it’s own thing he d was on the phone with skiers choice and reflash the computer several times now they’re down to installing a new PDM to see if that will get it to work correctly

09-26-2022, 09:03 AM
Dealer replaced pcm and err thing works as it should now

07-01-2023, 07:43 PM
something similar just happened on my 2018 max, both surf tab are stuck all the way down and computer says they're at 30.

Tried to unplug the batteries, pushed every breakers, unplugging all wires from PDM and reconnected them, everything was looking good and saw nothing suspicious but still can't make work those plates, all 3 are stuck there