View Full Version : 2017 SA Neutral Safety Switch Problem?

06-26-2022, 12:42 PM
Hey all. So I think I may have a bad neutral safety switch.

The last two outings I’ve had a couple of instances where the boat would not crank. All equipment was working normal but literally no crank from boat, not even a noise.

All fuses and breakers were good. I got it started by removing the starter relay and replacing it, so I have some relays on order now but I fear that’s it the issue.

I’m thinking I may have a bad neutral safety switch.

If so, would this be a good replacement?

https://www.bakesonline.com/indmar-zf-hurth-transmission-neutral-safety-switch.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwh-CVBhB8EiwAjFEPGYcqyIQaxjbXAdzMjEg9vZ0tJ0gAdZVaS0Cq Ec9aGHr6mELq4kiGoBoCpt4QAvD_BwE

Any idea how to narrow it down to this being the culprit? All connections to starter are good without contact to block. Batteries are 12-14v at all times.

If I need to replace it, anyone have any inclination as to how or where? I’m decently handy. Thanks!!!

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06-26-2022, 03:51 PM
Jumper the switch and see if it starts.

06-26-2022, 04:59 PM
Jumper the switch and see if it starts.

Do you know where the switch is exactly? Is it inside the throttle components or by the transmission?

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06-26-2022, 05:29 PM
It screws into the side of the transmission.
Following the linkage should locate the switch.

All assuming this is the type of switch you actually have.

06-26-2022, 07:30 PM
It screws into the side of the transmission.
Following the linkage should locate the switch.

All assuming this is the type of switch you actually have.

Awesome. I’ll take a look at it when I get to the boat in the next couple of days.

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