View Full Version : Location of Factory Inclinometer

07-09-2021, 09:32 PM
My 2018 Mojo did not come with autowake or an inclinometer. I purchased this off Amazon to keep in the boat. Been using the phone, but we also used navionics religiously so I need a permanent solution. When we speak of pitch and roll is it dead center of the boat at the middle. If I remember a previous thread the factory inclinometer is under the dash. My concern is will the slight difference in location of mine versus the factory, make that big of a difference, when shooting for a pitch of 8-10 and roll of -3-4?

Digital Protractor DXL360S GYRO + Gravity 2 in 1 Digital LCD Protractor Inclinometer Dual Axis Level Box 0.01°Resolution https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077T7XW7X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_C415H1S5DT2JH34A8Z4K?_ encoding=UTF8&psc=1

07-10-2021, 08:19 AM
Well I am no expert, but here is my 2 cents worth. You should be able calibrate the inclinometer to zero when the boat is at rest. If this is done the location should not matter as the inlinometer will measure from that zero point.

If you think of it this way it may help. The degree of an angle (pitch or roll) is the same along a straight line or plane no matter where another horizontal line intersects. Because you have calibrated the inclinometer, even if it is mounted in such a way that it is not flat or on an uneven plane, the calibration tricks it into acting as if it were on an even plane at rest.

Please verify my explanation as it has been a long time since high school trig! And I am making an assumption about how the inclinometers work. Maybe try it with your phone. Calibrate it while it is not level then measure the angle after to verify.

Hope this helps get you the right answer.

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07-10-2021, 11:00 AM
My 2018 Mojo did not come with autowake or an inclinometer. I purchased this off Amazon to keep in the boat. Been using the phone, but we also used navionics religiously so I need a permanent solution. When we speak of pitch and roll is it dead center of the boat at the middle. If I remember a previous thread the factory inclinometer is under the dash. My concern is will the slight difference in location of mine versus the factory, make that big of a difference, when shooting for a pitch of 8-10 and roll of -3-4?

Digital Protractor DXL360S GYRO + Gravity 2 in 1 Digital LCD Protractor Inclinometer Dual Axis Level Box 0.01°Resolution https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077T7XW7X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_C415H1S5DT2JH34A8Z4K?_ encoding=UTF8&psc=1

It makes no difference where you put it, you'll need to calibrate it after the install.

07-10-2021, 06:42 PM
I guess this makes since. Let me clarify a few things. Currently, the device is perfectly calibrated to level on both axis. If the boat is supposed to be level when calibrated why does it matter if it’s in the boat or not. What is the boat being calibrated to? Some do it in the water fully unloaded. Some mess with the trailer with jacks. Who is right and who is wrong? For example, if I choose to level the boat on the trailer where is my goal to adjust the jacks to make the boat level, as if it’s sitting in the water with nothing in it?

07-10-2021, 07:05 PM
I guess this makes since. Let me clarify a few things. Currently, the device is perfectly calibrated to level on both axis. If the boat is supposed to be level when calibrated why does it matter if it’s in the boat or not. What is the boat being calibrated to? Some do it in the water fully unloaded. Some mess with the trailer with jacks. Who is right and who is wrong? For example, if I choose to level the boat on the trailer where is my goal to adjust the jacks to make the boat level, as if it’s sitting in the water with nothing in it?

There's no right or wrong, those that are hyper focused on what the numbers are or trying to perfectly level the boat haven't realized the stock numbers don't mean anything. They're only a starting point for a stock boat. Install it, use a leveling app on your phone and place it on the floor and get it near zero for x & y. Then recalibrate using the system settings. Use the default pitch and roll settings and surf it, then change the default pitch and roll settings to the wave you like. Which will be totally different than everyone else cuz people like different waves or have different setups. Once you find the wave setup you like record the pitch and roll numbers and change the stock settings to those.

07-10-2021, 07:12 PM
My issue is I don’t have any system settings. My boat didn’t come with autowake or draft or any other sensor. I’m Doing this all manual. IVe got the wave I like, I wish I could just put some numbers to it.

07-10-2021, 07:26 PM
My issue is I don’t have any system settings. My boat didn’t come with autowake or draft or any other sensor. I’m Doing this all manual. IVe got the wave I like, I wish I could just put some numbers to it.

Not sure what you're asking, if you have the wave you like then turn on a phone leveling app or the device you bought and record the numbers, just make sure to always use it in the same location. Like laying flat on the dash.

My leveling app gives x and y numbers, theres many in the app store.

07-10-2021, 08:23 PM
That’s what I’m trying accomplish. I guess I am just curious to the discrepancy between our apps, the boats actual zero, and location of device capturing the data.

07-13-2021, 02:48 PM
It's all relative.

Place the inclinometer on the floor while surfing and say it reads 9 degrees.
If you rotate it 90 degrees it's going to read 99 degrees.
Those are the same angle for the boat, the only difference is the placement of the inclinometer.

You can mount the inclinometer upside down at a 32 degree angle and as long as you calibrate it to 0,0 with the boat sitting level in the water it doesn't matter.

That being said boats with autowake are calibrated sitting on the water with no people in them and no ballast. Call this 0 degrees of pitch and 0 degrees of roll.

At the end of the day it's only real use is to repeat the settings from another day so it doesn't even matter if it's calibrated as long as you're not trying to compare it to someone else's settings.

07-13-2021, 04:20 PM
It's all relative.

Place the inclinometer on the floor while surfing and say it reads 9 degrees.
If you rotate it 90 degrees it's going to read 99 degrees.
Those are the same angle for the boat, the only difference is the placement of the inclinometer.

You can mount the inclinometer upside down at a 32 degree angle and as long as you calibrate it to 0,0 with the boat sitting level in the water it doesn't matter.

That being said boats with autowake are calibrated sitting on the water with no people in them and no ballast. Call this 0 degrees of pitch and 0 degrees of roll.

At the end of the day it's only real use is to repeat the settings from another day so it doesn't even matter if it's calibrated as long as you're not trying to compare it to someone else's settings.

Agreed, Scott actually helped me realize this.

It should be called “Repeatawake”

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07-15-2021, 05:19 PM
I think the dial in process is fun. Some want to push EASY button and go. Not saying you are.

I was just reading about a brand new 25 Naut and a new 23 BU tossing crummy waves as a new boat.

It takes some patience and subtle actions when you have your crew aboard the boat. As you are driving, shift a person from front>back or side>side to see what that does to pitch/roll numbers. Try to use small increments for things like pitch. 8.5 to 9.0 or 9.0 to 9.5 or 9.5 to 10.0. This is how my SL reads. You will have different numbers.

Having lead bags to move around is great. Try to carry 500-600#s.

I have a phone app too, but always forget to turn it on.

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07-15-2021, 07:02 PM
Yes it is definitely a learning curve it has been a lot of fun. I guess I was chasing numbers and not chasing the actual wave. The waves been great the entire time some days it’s a little better than others. But typically we have the same crew and I have the same weight and most of the same places. I only have to move it around a little bit. Fuel burn in the additional adding of crew definitely makes it A constant process because I don’t have auto wake.