View Full Version : Max Lift Capacity

Brandon Bobby
10-21-2020, 04:37 PM
Has anyone really pushed the limit on their lift capacity? I'm looking at a new Mondo but I only have a 4,000 lb lift, so that puts me right at the limit and I haven't even gassed it up. I understand it's a bad idea but a new lift is likely out for me. We had our new lift installed about 4 years ago and it sits on 20 foot pylons. The labor alone is more than the cost of the lift so I'd lose out quite a bit since a new lift would need new pylons. I know, bad idea. But how bad?

10-21-2020, 06:30 PM
It WILL snap a cable, at worst, but I assure you it will break. I had to upgrade from my 4000lb hoist to a 6600 for my Craz because I broke it after a month or so. Scared the shit out of me when it happened and I was lucky I was there when it did as my boat slid of and was heading straight for the sea wall on the opposite side of my canal. I was able to grab the boat and stop it before it smashed the swim platform.

So yeah, you better get a bigger lift, especially if you add gas, toys and any lead weight at all.

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10-21-2020, 09:17 PM
I have had my Tige 22v 3950 lbs dry weight boat on a 4000lbs lift for a season and a half. I purchased a second lift this year as we have 2 boats. The Tige is now on the second lift that is a 5000 lb lift. I bought the 5000 lbs lift used at a great price, not so much for the extra capacity, but it is extra pieces of mind. The lift cables on my lift are the same from 3500 to 5500 lbs capacity. The 5000 lbs lift has a winch with a lower gear ratio and the beams under the boat are a bit larger
The rest of the lifts are essential the same. For me as an engineer, we build in large safety factors for things that lift. All lift fixtures I design get proof tested to at least 125% rated capacity. So then it comes down to use and maintenance.

2005 Tige 22v

10-21-2020, 11:40 PM
I would recommend at least size the cable to the weight of the boat and look to add pin outs to take the weight off the cables. Not sure if that can happen.

10-22-2020, 01:55 PM
I had a Mondo on a newer 4,000# shorestation. Cables and gearbox held it well, but had a pulley give out on me. Dropping a boat like that scared the hell out of me and luckily nobody was nearby, but at that moment the decision was made to upgrade. It's not an if it's going to break, but when will it break.

Brandon Bobby
10-27-2020, 10:54 AM
Thanks everyone. I needed to hear some first hand experiences to snap me out of it and not push it that far. That would be too much money invested knowing it will slam the water eventually.