View Full Version : Predictions for 2021 season

10-09-2020, 10:15 AM
This year for us on our lake was crazy with all the extra people. Tons of new boats everywhere, and boats flying off dealer lots. You think this pace will hold thru 2021? Or will there be a big sell off with people tried of making payments?

10-09-2020, 10:40 AM
the number of boats hasn't really changed. manuf. still only produced "x" boats in 2020 so it's not like there was a flood of new product. I believe that where, say, 20% of the boat inventory nationwide were parked on dealer lots, they all sold and those that may have only gone 2x monthly started going 10x monthly. that's my opinion on what drove the increase in traffic. there wasn't an increase in manufacturing production that would be measurable.

I think the market will slow a tad and boats will sit on lots for a little longer. IF 'rona is still a thing ramps will be just as busy. IF 'rona is contained/receding, 2021 will see a decline in ramp usage and some boat sales but 2022 will be the correction year.

10-09-2020, 11:14 AM
Out west, if we don’t get sizable cold winter storms, lake levels will be too low to be boating. Our usual reservoir is 60+ ft below spillway and the ramp only has 30 ft submersed before the end of the concrete. This is supposed to be a La Niña year, and climate predictions are showing large blobs of warm pacific sea surface temps, which will decrease the likelihood of those storms. I’m torn on buying a ski pass this year. Usually if I buy a pass we have a crappy winter. If I buy a pass and am incapacitated by injuries or schoolwork, then winter snow will be awesome.

If those winter storms don’t materialize, and the continued closures of the forests occur do to wildfire potential, I see a mass unloading of boats and RV’s late spring. The economy post election is a concern. Indicators are showing slowing in a number of economic areas. The housing bubble is also of concern to the economy. Current prices are unsustainable. The economy is such a difficult and complex issue, and I’d rather stick to weather predictions.

10-09-2020, 11:35 AM
Too much uncertainty at this time..Biden wins the economy will be f-ed, but Covid will disappear the next day. Trump wins we are guaranteed another 4 years of good economy, but Covid will stay around. Catch 22 here..

10-09-2020, 11:35 AM
Predictions for 2022 models: SL redesign, SR discontinued, heated bench and OB seats, Memory drivers seat, vision system updates, tower camera redesign or Bimini redesign.

10-09-2020, 11:37 AM
I personally would not expect to see the SL redesigned. But maybe I guess?

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10-09-2020, 11:49 AM
SR won’t be discontinued as it’s a niche market option for size restricted lakes.

SL is next inline for redesign, but it really doesn’t need it. Perhaps upgrade to the 12” subs??

SL could stand as is for 2-3 more years.

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10-09-2020, 12:37 PM
It will depend on what opens up. During summer of 2020 people were not traveling or vacationing. People could not go to a baseball, football, or basketball game. Some parks were closed, beaches were closed, museums were closed, bars were closed, restaurants were closed, and some stores were closed. People had nothing to do in 2020 so they purchased a boat. People who use their lake homes a couple times per summer spent their whole summer their lake homes. People who boat a few times per summer were out every weekend. People who never owned a boat purchased a boat.

Will this continue in 2021? I can't see it continuing at the same pace. Given the polyclonal and monoclonal antibody treatments coming to market and vaccines on the way, I can't see 2021 looking like 2020 which means the boat market will not continue the same as 2020. However, some people new to the boat market will stay so I think lake traffic will continue to be up over 2019 but not as much as 2020. Surfing will clearly continue to drive inboard sales and I/O manufacturers will continue to try to grab a small amount of market share with their Volvo forward outdrives and small washy wakes. my 2 cents.

10-09-2020, 01:55 PM
355% increase in boat loans from 2019.

The boat and RV craze will go back to normal after the VID is cured.

A lot of boats for sale in another 1-2 years, but SC didn’t really increase production volume, perhaps the mass producers like Bu and MC did.

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10-09-2020, 02:00 PM
It will depend on what opens up. During summer of 2020 people were not traveling or vacationing. People could not go to a baseball, football, or basketball game. Some parks were closed, beaches were closed, museums were closed, bars were closed, restaurants were closed, and some stores were closed. People had nothing to do in 2020 so they purchased a boat. People who use their lake homes a couple times per summer spent their whole summer their lake homes. People who boat a few times per summer were out every weekend. People who never owned a boat purchased a boat.

Will this continue in 2021? I can't see it continuing at the same pace. Given the polyclonal and monoclonal antibody treatments coming to market and vaccines on the way, I can't see 2021 looking like 2020 which means the boat market will not continue the same as 2020. However, some people new to the boat market will stay so I think lake traffic will continue to be up over 2019 but not as much as 2020. Surfing will clearly continue to drive inboard sales and I/O manufacturers will continue to try to grab a small amount of market share with their Volvo forward outdrives and small washy wakes. my 2 cents.

Due to Covid-19 quarantines I see my 2021 season lasting about 1 good month (early June to early July) with maybe a couple weeks of cold water early spring and maybe a couple weeks of cold water later fall. It sucks big time.

10-09-2020, 02:29 PM
Your investor will give you a better answer. The best the economy will be is flat. A good recession will separate the men from the boys and free up boats at a much reduced price. The Covid has changed a lot in the economy and some changes could be permanent. If the Green Deal and California's electric vehicle changeover gets going, be prepared to pay a premium for carbon based fuels. Boats and motor homes will be going the way of the dinosaurs.

10-09-2020, 02:55 PM
Given the political slants thrown in here, I'm kinda surprised this thread is still open.

My guess is that next summer will be a decent boat-sales season but not like 2020. More boats available used, as people find they don't have the same time to use them or don't want to float the payment anymore.

I doubt we will see much of electric towboats for a long time--the torque/battery requirements are possible for a dock kept boat I guess. While many new passenger vehicles will be electric, the exceptions to those expectations allow all sorts of gas vehicles. Consumer interest is a big driver in that market.

10-09-2020, 03:10 PM
Too much uncertainty at this time..Biden wins the economy will be f-ed, but Covid will disappear the next day. Trump wins we are guaranteed another 4 years of good economy, but Covid will stay around. Catch 22 here..

I agree with this on all counts. the thing is, people decided to vacation at home this year or in their state. They spent more time boating, renting cabins, camping because the media said it was unsafe to fly. Not only that but destinations where closed (Disney etc...) People were also working from home which gave them a little more time to be on the lake. If the economy can open and get roaring again, business' open up and people may travel again. I visited Alaska this year in the heart of covid (summer), and there was NO ONE there. Usually its like disney at the time we went. But people were afraid so they stayed home. What we need is a good economy to get back to normal again. We can't have uncertainty.

10-09-2020, 05:03 PM
No air travel for me anytime soon, but already booked an Airbnb on Norris lake next June.

Norris has been on my list for awhile.

This might last one more summer, but then things will get back to normal with air travel destinations returning for families.

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