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View Full Version : Can you believe 2 smoked props in 3 outings...

06-26-2020, 11:49 PM
I posted a couple weeks ago about hitting a log. Boat, shaft, rudder, etc all fine. Delta propeller is relatively local to me so I dropped that prop off for repair and bought a new one. I picked up the repaired prop yesterday. Tonight we hit the water after work and the last tow of the night I smacked another freaking log under water.

We’re taking the boat to lake Cumberland for a week in 10 days. I guess I’m headed back to delta propeller first thing Monday morning. I’ve been boating virtually my whole life with mom and dad and ~ the last 20 years in my own boats and have never hit anything and now 2 strikes in 2 weeks!

Am I allowed to say “DAMN IT!” On here???

06-26-2020, 11:59 PM
Dang that’s some bad luck there. Hopefully they can get ya fixed back up quickly.

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06-27-2020, 12:40 AM
The way Cumberland looks this time of year things could get worse before they get better..good luck

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06-27-2020, 12:45 AM
R U boating in a river? I avoid rivers, too much debris floating, also the current constantly changes the bottom structure and a spot that is deep enough today can be too shallow and hit bottom a week later.

06-27-2020, 07:04 AM
Cumberland is tough this year :-( . My neighbor punched the strut through the hull of the NXT yesterday afternoon....

I have an OJ 945 on the shelf in Lexington if you need a vacation saver, pm me.

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06-27-2020, 02:32 PM
Thanks for the kind words. Korey - terrific offer! Not many people would do that. Hopefully I don’t need to PM you.

There is a small lake about 25 minutes from my house which is where I’ve been using the new boat. The lake I prefer is 1.5 hour away. We’ve been there a couple times but it gets super crowded on the weekend even though it’s pretty big. The close lake is perfect for a mid-week or Friday night ride.

The Ohio River is about 30 minutes away as well and I take the cruiser down there quite a bit. Surprisingly if it hasn’t rained in a while it’s really not too bad.

Looks like the rain quit so we’re packing up to head back out. Just got my spare prop on

06-27-2020, 03:59 PM
Yikes this is why I avoid the rivers near us. Yea I could be on the water in 30 mins or so but the risk is too much knowing what I know about the local river-fed lakes here. Water is dark so makes it hard to see anything submerged and one of our local lakes is notorious for destroying props and running gear if you're not careful and venture outside the main channel. This is why I prefer to drive 1.5 hours to clear lake water that's much deeper and has less floating timber locations to worry about. Suck to hear you had prop strike twice. I really need to stop procrastinating and get a backup prop in our storage area.

Could be worse. I'll never forget that day lol...


06-27-2020, 04:12 PM
Holy cow! Is that your center fin stuck in that log?

06-27-2020, 06:07 PM
Holly smokes

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06-27-2020, 06:12 PM
Yea that is the tracking fin of a G23. I had my Yamaha boat at the time and saw them waiving for help in the back of a popular wakeboarding slough. We tried to tie a rope to the log and pull it off with my boat but it wasn’t budging. They eventually decided to slowly creep back to their dock a few miles away and on the way back the whole fin and log came off ripping the lag bolts out of the bottom of the boat! I don’t know how the prop didn’t get damage when there log passed it lol. His name was Colby Reiner and he used to be a pro wakeboarder apparently. I’ve seen some of his vids and the dude can fly!! He didn’t seem to mind the damage at all lol. I think his brother is a member on here as well with a Craz.

06-28-2020, 12:44 AM

Well today no prop strikes but I was running the repaired spare and could swear I felt mild vibration. Don’t know if I am hyper-sensitive or if the repair is just maybe not quite perfect. I have to drop of my damaged prop Monday so I’ll ask them if they want me to bring this one as well to double check the balance. I’m hoping the shaft isn’t tweaked or something.

Toward the end of the night I was letting the kids each have one last 5 minute turn before we were going to load up and the boat just died in the middle of the lake, like I turned the key off. Then the ignition switch was dead. Turn it to accessory...nothing, turn it to run...nothing. Cycled the battery switch, still nothing. Everything else worked...lights, horn, blower....everything except the ignition switch. We were the last boat on the water, not even a jet ski to be seen. I messed around with everything I could think of for 45 min and by this time it’s dark. I ended up calling a coworker that lives 30 minutes away and he said he would bring his boat out and come pull me in. I couldn’t see anything in the dark and had done everything I could think of so I started packing up and getting ready for the tow. Put boards away, folded up the Bimini and the wife and I played “telephone “ with the kids to pass the time.

After 30 min or so, I tried the key again and it fired up! I idled to the ramp in the dark, called my buddy who by this time was about to pull into the boat launch to let him know and he said he would hang out and wait.

Made it to the ramp, didn’t shut it off...got it loaded on the trailer and turned it off. To see if the problem was still there I cycled the key and nothing.

My guess is, bad ignition switch but regardless, calling my sales guy in the morning to beg him to pull any strings he can with service to get me in Monday. We’re taking this thing on vacation for a week soon!

When I got it put away at home I cycled the key and everything works. Obviously I didn’t try to start it out of the water but now I’m baffled. Intermittent problems are the worst!

What a crappy weekend

06-28-2020, 12:02 PM
Dang man. What horrible luck! To be honest with you, I have sworn off lake Cumberland and Norris until at least the 1st Of July. It seems like The last 5-7 years have just been awful with debris because of the spring rains. Maybe it has always been that way And I just didn’t think much of it. I hit a log with my older Supra a few years ago and said that was the last June trip I would ever do at Cumberland. Luckily I have never hit anything with the Moomba. I have also been too nervous to hit the Ohio River for that very reason. I am 5 min from the ramp at the local lake we boat at....so I hit the water on week nights to avoid the craziness. The weekends just plain suck after 10am.

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06-28-2020, 12:25 PM
Ceaser Creek is about 40 min from me but East fork is pretty close. I’m about to quit going to East fork.

Our Cumberland trip is July 7-14 so I’m hopeful the lake is clear. Buddies of mine were at Dale Hollow 2 weeks ago and said it was good. Another buddy has a place at Cumberland and he says it’s good right now because it hasn’t rained a ton so as long as it doesn’t decide to rain like crazy in the next 10 days we should be hood I think.

06-28-2020, 02:35 PM
I am at Ceasar’s. No debris issues, but it has been super crowded this year. Once 10am hits on the weekends, might as well get the tubes out. I can get some decent week night runs in, but 40 min is a bit of a haul for you after work on a week night. If your ever up this way look for a red, black and white Craz. Or I should probably say, listen for it.....[emoji6]. There are quite a few Moomba’s and Supras up here these days. I have only seen one Makai and that was last year. Hope they can figure out what is wrong with your boat. That sucks. Must be a fluke thing.

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