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Boat Dog
03-07-2007, 04:11 PM
Hello Moomba People

I traded in my 2003 Outback on a brand new Outback V, should take delivery in about 3 weeks, then I'll be waiting for the ice to come off the lake :cry:

Does anybody know if the 3000 rpm=30 miles per hour rule still applies to the 325 horsepower engine?

Any other Michiganders getting tired of the snow and ice? I know, silly question.

03-07-2007, 04:47 PM
congrats, I never trust the RPM theory. It's really off if you add a lot of weight to your boat. Spend $100 on a cheap GPS and calibrate the speedo, I do it every time I go out.

03-07-2007, 05:16 PM
I am also in Michigan. Just purchased a 07 Mobius LSV. Im sure the second the ice melts we will have our new toy on the lake trying to get it broke in. What lake are you on?

Boat Dog
03-07-2007, 05:40 PM
Hey gt9118,

I'm on a small lake in the Lansing area, but I head north quite a bit in the summer. Where are you located?

03-07-2007, 06:56 PM
I am on Eagle lake in the Kalamazoo area.

03-07-2007, 09:51 PM
I think he made that up :lol:

03-08-2007, 11:42 AM
Boat Dog - I agree - spend a few $ and get the GPS. You can get them for ~$70 on eBay.

Callibrating the PP is a pain, and you need to do both RPM and paddlewheel and each rpm speed is calibrated seperately. But when they are right - it is soooo nice.

Also remember to break the boat in before you go 30mph.



Boat Dog
03-08-2007, 02:09 PM
I see your point on the GPS calibration, but I can think of so many other things I could spend the money on. (gas comes to mind)

I do have a good driver, and we are pretty good at adjusting speed to feel, I just like to have the speedos close.

I see on the review that top speed is 41, and 3500 rpm is about 29, I will start with that and see how it works for me, If I feel the need I will invest in the GPS.

Thanks for the input.


03-08-2007, 03:16 PM
if you have kids, go ahead and invest in a gps. trust me after owning two skier's choice boats, my speedo's are constantly getting knocked off the correct sitting because they are kids and always have to be messing with something. :roll:

i use my gps at least every few weeks to make sure everything is set correctly.

Boat Dog
03-08-2007, 04:00 PM
No Kids, but I know they get bumped everytime I clean. I like the new location of the calibration knobs under the dash.

03-09-2007, 06:50 PM
Boat Dog,
I was told by Brian Raymond that to get your speedos pretty close use 36mph @ 3800 rpm. My boat also has the 325 motor. I have checked it against a hand held GPS and it was within 1 mph. And yes I am really hating winter right now in (Dearborn MI)!

Boat Dog
03-12-2007, 12:55 PM
Thanks jburnside.

It's warmin up, ice is melting. This is Michigan though, it's not over yet.

03-12-2007, 03:58 PM
Boat Dog,
I was told by Brian Raymond that to get your speedos pretty close use 36mph @ 3800 rpm. My boat also has the 325 motor. I have checked it against a hand held GPS and it was within 1 mph. And yes I am really hating winter right now in (Dearborn MI)!

My post-warm-up run out towards the river and back in is used to set the speedos via gps.

I check them at first plane, then at 22, again at 30.
First plane is about where my little guy rides, then 22 is about where I ride.

Also remember that with GPS, if your location can be +- 5-15 meters, that affects your speed calcs as well. Don't just look at the gps, check the speedo and assume you got a good match. Drive for an 1/8 - 1/4 mile to get enough data to do a good comparison.

My Lowrance fuel meter is in the box on the floor here, and I'v been considering adding the lowrance gps antenna to the mix. but the lowrance net cables have that huge ugly head and I dont want to cut a hole to run it up the tower that large and wrapping wire looks ghetto.

Boat Dog
03-14-2007, 12:12 PM
I just got the call, my Outback V is in.

03-14-2007, 02:20 PM
:) Congrats! I wish mine would be here same time as yours..simply canīt wait...Been told they got it in production March 21th..so luckily will be here middle of April...but while i wait..it would be nice... you posted some pics of yours... :D