View Full Version : Poly (Plastic) Docks

01-09-2019, 12:41 PM
We need a new boat dock. Our is beyond repair and needs to be replaced. I have watched Several videos on floating Polyethylene boat docks, however, I cannot find anything on the internet from a Customers' perspective (Reviews, gripes, accolades ect .) I also do not see a lot of these in my area. I was just wondering if anyone here knows anything about them to see if they are worth the money. From What I gather, I can build a dock for a less money, but its a lot more time and effort, these seem to go in quickly.


01-09-2019, 02:18 PM

I'm expanding my dock right now, it's pretty cheap to build permanent if you are able, just a lot of work.

01-09-2019, 02:26 PM

I'm expanding my dock right now, it's pretty cheap to build permanent if you are able, just a lot of work.

You're going to need a box of Wheaties to go with that.

01-09-2019, 03:56 PM
We were able to use one of these during WTW Adaptive in Arkansas this summer, https://www.ez-dock.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA1NbhBRCBARIsAKOTmUvXXl7sC4UK6ACdHrT xStlbIa0b3qtY1hMdBC3DaLD38bY5qj4VjBQaAoi6EALw_wcB

I really liked it and was easy to assemble as well as add onto later if you chose to. We had about 8-10 dock pieces, an aluminum ramp, handrail, cleats, and plastic fenders all attached to it. I am not sure how you could add a boat lift, but arranging the sections to make a slip is definitely possible.

01-09-2019, 05:44 PM
You're going to need a box of Wheaties to go with that.
i need a couple days to rest! mixed 3,000 lbs of concrete