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View Full Version : Supra sa. Moomba craz pro

NOVA Lake Surfer
12-25-2018, 11:49 AM
Comparing the Supra sa and Moomba craz pro both are within a stones throw of specs on the surface with the 2019 craz pro upgraded and getting most of the standards from the 2018 SA.
Why does the Supra weigh 1,200 lbs more than the moomba dry weight?
Same engine, dry weight so ballast capacity is out.

And I thought that both hills were manufactured in same location using same specs. (?).

12-25-2018, 11:53 AM
Completely different hulls.

Most of it is in more glass, but the added features add up too.

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12-25-2018, 02:12 PM
Running surface of hulls could be pretty similar—a Skier’s rep or insider could comment with detail. Definitely more glass in the cap portion of the Supra—think walls, partitions, etc. It all adds up. Fit and finish, more electronics, heavier tower....

It will take more weight to get the Moomba to sink like the SA does. In the end you could have similar experiences, just know the difference in getting there.

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12-25-2018, 02:36 PM
SA is 8” longer and 2 in wider than craz.

SA to SL for example is 9” different and both 102” beam, that is 150#
SR to SA is also 9” difference and both 102” beam and 500# difference.

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NOVA Lake Surfer
12-26-2018, 06:22 AM
Thanks. Just seemed like a ton of weight for the little extra length. But getting close for sure.
Seriously looking at buying one of these two, any personal insight would be appreciated.
Dealer tells me that when the hills are made they are not determined to be a moomba or Supra until after they come out of the mold. Meaning no difference while being made. The 2018 Supra is still more money than the 2019 pro. Just wondering if it’s worth it.

12-26-2018, 10:06 AM
I think your dealer is misleading you.

No way do the craz and SA come out of the same mold.

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12-26-2018, 11:41 AM
Ha Ha. I think that person needs to take a trip to the factory and watch them build the boats.

I hope it was just new salesperson.

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Broke Pilot
12-26-2018, 12:26 PM
If you can swing the SA, definitely go with it. You’ll never be disappointed in the performance. Throw some Enzo bags in it and enjoy one of the nastiest waves on the lake. Just make sure you’ve got the prop to handle it if you’re going with a 400. I ride behind a Craz regularly also, one of the Rinkers guys boats and it’s definitely a fun playful wave. But you’ll never get the size of the SA.

12-26-2018, 01:01 PM
The supra is a 102" beam (width). It is impossible to explain how much difference 2" makes (TWSS) without spending time on a wide boat. It's kind of mind blowing. I didnt even know that my old supra was 102" beam until i started spending time in my new Craz (100" beam).

If you dealer told you that those two boats come out of the same mold, you need a new dealer.

12-26-2018, 02:51 PM
if you dealer told you that those two boats come out of the same mold, you need a new dealer.

12-26-2018, 03:05 PM
Your dealer was probably just trying to get across that the boats are made the same quality wise, I doubt they believe two boats of different lengths are actually from the same mold... Or they meant their hulls are molded with the same technique.

NOVA Lake Surfer
12-26-2018, 03:08 PM
Thanks for the great feedback.

I don’t think he was trying to say that the sa and craz were the same Hull. Just the fact that the glass is laid under the same roof with the same quality controls.

Guess I need to measure my lift to see if I can get 102 between the Pilons.

12-26-2018, 04:20 PM
If you can swing the SA, definitely go with it. You’ll never be disappointed in the performance. Throw some Enzo bags in it and enjoy one of the nastiest waves on the lake. Just make sure you’ve got the prop to handle it if you’re going with a 400. I ride behind a Craz regularly also, one of the Rinkers guys boats and it’s definitely a fun playful wave. But you’ll never get the size of the SA.

You sure would with enough weight. Physics doesn’t care what emblem is on a boat.

But I see the point you’re trying to make. The SA is a bigger machine from the outset. Heavier and wider.

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12-26-2018, 04:55 PM
SA has more headroom than Craz

Max designed weight SA 11350# (5450boat, 3500 ballast 2400 max added weight)
Max designed weight Craz 9600# (4200 boat,3000ballast 2400 max added weight)

1750# is significant.

OP why not look at the Makai?

Max design weight 11700# (5200 boat, 4000 ballast 2500 max added weight)

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12-26-2018, 07:44 PM
The formula for a great surf wave is more complex than max weight alone, or even max designed weight alone. Size of the hull also plays significantly. Floating surface area counteracts weight. Surf waves are dependent mostly on depth as a parameter of overall displacement—that will yield wave height (size as most describe it). To a small degree, a longer boat hull will yield a longer surf wave, as long as its depth is equal to or greater than whatever you’re comparing it to. But most likely more important than hull length is boat speed.

Bang for your buck making a good wave without adding a shit load of weight typically probably lands somewhere in the 22 to 23 foot range.

The practical example of this would be my Makai. It is a big big tub. And for the size it’s kind of light. Therefore it takes a shit load of added weight to sink it to a depth where the wave starts to show significant size.

The SA, being heavy and 22’ is a good combo. Sinks nicely! Doesn’t need a ton of added weight. SL also fits here.

But can you get there with a Craz? Pretty darn close. Just takes more -added- weight than the SA.

Weight is very cheap compared to MSRP. So factoring all this together might help you decide how you want to proceed.

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12-26-2018, 07:48 PM
All that being said, I think the culmination of price/size/weight/value/surf wave is the Max.

Load one of those up big time and you’re right up there with the best you can get.

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NOVA Lake Surfer
12-27-2018, 05:00 AM
Thanks dakota4ce....

I think with all the great answers and feedback it affirms my thoughts of both boats. I am trying to stay in the 22 to 23 range so that’s why I was zeroed I’m on the sa and craz pro.
By the sounds of it the 3000 ballast on pro would need an upgrade. If that’s how I chose to go.

Again. Thanks all.

Broke Pilot
12-27-2018, 10:40 AM
Does the pro come with extra ballast from the factory? Seems like 3k is more than I’d remembered. But if I’m not mistaken, enzos fit in a Craz also. But you’d definitely need more weight in the nose.
My SA with 3-4 people and 100% full is amazing. The belly tank and nose bag are more than heavy enough to not need extra. We usually surf with 80-85% in the front if we have more people.
Good luck... what a terrible problem to have. Lol

12-27-2018, 11:23 AM
Craz and Craz pro both have 3000#, I think the pro just comes standard with all the surf goodies like G6, autowake etc plus the only way to get flow3.0

Plus bold new graphics.....

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12-27-2018, 08:05 PM
The SA, being heavy and 22’ is a good combo.

To clarify, the SA is 22'8" with 102" beam, while the Craz is 22' with 100" beam....a fairer comparison size wise would be the SA to the Max or Mojo.

All that said, our 15 Mojo was great, but our 18 SA is amazing.

12-27-2018, 08:57 PM
Max has a surf ceiling higher than Craz or Mojo. That thing is a deep old tub. Maybe not the most attractive boat according to some...but I love the thing personally.

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12-27-2018, 09:09 PM
I battled with myself between a 19 loaded every option Max and the 18 SA, they are so very similar space and size wise. I just couldn't pass up the deal on the leftover SA with all the options it has. But the Max is a fine boat and I enjoy going out on my buddies.

12-31-2018, 09:54 AM
I ride behind a Craz regularly also, one of the Rinkers guys boats and it’s definitely a fun playful wave. But you’ll never get the size of the SA.

How much weight does Will run in his Craz?

12-31-2018, 10:02 AM
Thanks dakota4ce....

I think with all the great answers and feedback it affirms my thoughts of both boats. I am trying to stay in the 22 to 23 range so that’s why I was zeroed I’m on the sa and craz pro.
By the sounds of it the 3000 ballast on pro would need an upgrade. If that’s how I chose to go.

Again. Thanks all.

I can personally attest....the 900s in the rear of the Craz would need to go unless you run a deep crew on the daily. Enzo 1450s are plug and play, that plus a couple hundred lbs of lead in the nose and you'll be golden.

Broke Pilot
12-31-2018, 10:45 AM
How much weight does Will run in his Craz?

He’s got 1100’s I believe plus a bigger nose bag? As of middle of last season he put in around 850# of sand. That was a fun day... he bought these camera equipment bags off amazon for around $3 each? Lol each one holds about 40# of sand in 2 little tubes. Works great, just not as compact as lead, but about 10x cheaper