View Full Version : Protecting Gel Coat

06-18-2016, 12:22 PM
Guys who have used this method to protect the gel coat when trailering, what have been the results? Does it succeed at keeping the mooring cover straps from chafing the gel coat? Successful at highway speeds?

Boat is headed tomorrow to upstate New York, about a 500-mile drive. Bought these pool noodles a long time ago for this purpose, but in the past nine years have used them only on short hauls when I felt it best to keep the boat covered.

Appreciate the feedback. Thanks.

06-18-2016, 12:44 PM
I have a cover similar to yours and if I trailered with it on (gravel roads) I only strap down the nose straps (two straps on each side before the windshield) to ensure the cover doesn't come up and keep air from getting underneath. Those straps don't touch the boat. The side straps on the rest of the cover serves little added value unless the cover has a loose fit to begin with. I'd recommend throwing those straps inside the boat and leave the noodles for the kids.