View Full Version : No More Rain!!

04-18-2016, 09:32 PM
I know I may sound super fickle for asking y'all to pray for rain a couple years ago but now I need y'all to pray that it stops raining. From 6 pm last night to noon today we received 16 inches of rain and we are about out of places to put it. The neighborhood next to ours is overflowing into our neighborhood and the bayou is out of its banks at our fence. The streets are waist to thigh deep and it's not coming down fast. We have gar swimming down the street, people catching bass from their driveway and we just had reports of possibly two gators that got washed down into our ponds from the flooding bayou. All roads leaving our neighborhood were closed today and no one could make it to work so we all sat around and drank beer while we watched the water continue to rise.

http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/rdlangston13/568F8711-B8BE-4D68-8740-D537E07EF1A4_zpsg6wlrhbx.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/rdlangston13/media/568F8711-B8BE-4D68-8740-D537E07EF1A4_zpsg6wlrhbx.jpg.html)

http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/rdlangston13/9107352D-616C-4BCB-BD48-1234B83ACE39_zpso8myn9ex.png (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/rdlangston13/media/9107352D-616C-4BCB-BD48-1234B83ACE39_zpso8myn9ex.png.html)

http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/rdlangston13/6717104E-9C6A-40D4-B2D9-862FCCEE3F31_zps89ywb3iw.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/rdlangston13/media/6717104E-9C6A-40D4-B2D9-862FCCEE3F31_zps89ywb3iw.jpg.html)

http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/rdlangston13/0BF99BF7-7FBD-4A08-B8C3-1A1C78BF1FE6_zpsu1xh2ssh.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/rdlangston13/media/0BF99BF7-7FBD-4A08-B8C3-1A1C78BF1FE6_zpsu1xh2ssh.jpg.html)

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04-19-2016, 07:30 AM
hope you don't get water in the house

04-19-2016, 07:54 AM
Seeing images from various parts of Texas, it is jaw dropping.

04-19-2016, 12:55 PM
I have family out there and it's out of control in their area. Best of luck in keeping the water down but I do like the idea of drinking beer with the neighbors.

04-20-2016, 01:21 AM
Well we woke up this morning and the water was out of the streets in our neighborhood and the bayou has gone down a foot or two. I did save about a 2 ft gator gar that was stranded in the the middle of my street. Three houses next my in laws got water inside, they already had the carpet pulled and on the curb ready for the trash man.

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04-21-2016, 04:03 PM
Y'all stay safe, My dad lives over in seabrook and almost sunk our mobius. The drain plug was out and on the lift, the tide came up and flooded the interior about 6" over the carpet when the first round blew through Sunday. Nothing like a house but not fun to say the least. I got stuck over in montrose on Monday but since then its been dry near my place for the most part. Clear Creek should be all cleared out of salad but I have not seen if anyone got badly flooded over there yet.


Broke Pilot
04-22-2016, 05:33 PM
We got lucky up in Conroe this time. It really wasnt too bad. The Memorial Day rains last year were worse for everyone north of 1960.
Glad y'all are safe down there, and drying out. I work In sugarland so if y'all ever need anything, I'm never too far away and always willing to lend a hand!

04-22-2016, 09:18 PM
We got lucky up in Conroe this time. It really wasnt too bad. The Memorial Day rains last year were worse for everyone north of 1960.
Glad y'all are safe down there, and drying out. I work In sugarland so if y'all ever need anything, I'm never too far away and always willing to lend a hand!

All I saw of this was you drive from Conroe to Sugarland everyday? How do you maintain your sanity?

And luckily the water never got higher than half walk up our drive way and by the time we woke up Tuesday it was gone. Three houses on my in laws street did get water in the house. Sucks big time.

Broke Pilot
04-23-2016, 10:22 AM
No no no! Lol not everyday!
I'm a pilot for a charter company, so I'm on call 24/7. Sometimes it seems like I drive every day! I bought my new truck in November and as of now it already has over 11k miles, so I drive a lot. My wife works in the woodlands and makes too much $$ to move south.

04-23-2016, 02:32 PM
No no no! Lol not everyday!
I'm a pilot for a charter company, so I'm on call 24/7. Sometimes it seems like I drive every day! I bought my new truck in November and as of now it already has over 11k miles, so I drive a lot. My wife works in the woodlands and makes too much $$ to move south.

I was about to say, that a hell of a commute! 99 probably makes it better but that's a ton in tolls each day doing that lol.

So do y'all boat Lake Conroe? My dad has a condo up there and I've been meaning to try to head up there on a week day sometime. Conroe just doesn't interest me at all on the weekends. Also, not sure if I told you or not but the Texas Jam is July 22-24 this year at Bethy Creek which is about an hour from you. Y'all should come up if only for the day Saturday. It's a blast.

One more thing, are you familiar with GCWA?

Broke Pilot
04-24-2016, 08:37 PM
Very familiar with gcwa, but I don't have Facebook and all that other social crap. Lol, so once they abandoned he website I was out. I used to be a wake boarder back in the day lol, I grew up in Huntsville so the trinity River and Bethy were my home spots and Conroe was just an every once in a while thing.
But nowadays with the kids Conroe is just easier. The island makes it nice for them to play, but on adult days we go back to wakeboard cove and party cove and it's protected pretty nicely up there.
I will definitely be at the jam this year. I've been keeping a close eye on all the posts, can't believe there aren't more people talking about it here or on the supra forum.

04-24-2016, 08:55 PM
It never really generates buzz on the supra forum for whatever reason but as it gets closer I am sure it will get talked about more. Part of the problem this year so far is I have done a pretty poor job promoting. We ride the trinity and lake Livingston almost exclusively, just need the rain to chill out for a while so the river will clean up.

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Broke Pilot
04-24-2016, 10:29 PM
My dad and I have our plane up in Huntsville and go fly regularly. We usually end up over the River north of town after a good bit of aerobatics. I swear, it seems like the last year the river has been nonstop trashed. I haven't been out there in at least 5 years.
Next time y'all are headed up that way make a detour into Conroe if ya have some time. We'll go grab a beer on the lake somewhere. It'd be nice to know some people before I show up at the jam!

04-24-2016, 11:22 PM
Lewisville is now 3' above full, and Grapevine is ~9' above. I think we are expecting storms again this week, but I don't think they are predicting multi inch rains again. Last week on my way home from the office I noticed they had Lewisville turned down to a trickle when it had been nearly full open. If they can keep it that way, it'll help down your way.
I'm sure they'll open Grapevine to try and drain some off, but what I don't know though is if the COE will try to drain anything out of Lewisville.

05-27-2016, 02:00 PM
Well I am working all weekend and cannot get out on the water, which would really suck buuuuuut no one else can really get on the water back home because...you guessed it, ITS STILL RAINING! All of our riding spots are forecast to be at Major Flood Stage all weekend. Will it ever stop??

05-27-2016, 06:08 PM
With these crazy storms the last two days, I decided to stop by our family lakehouse on Lake Conroe to make sure the boats were up high enough on the lifts... The timing couldn't have been more perfect. Literally as my wife and I walked into the backyard, the I/O slipped out of it's lift, and floated away. Thank goodness the wind was blowing towards the shore, so I could chase it down and throw a rope on it.... In the pic, I'm standing on the bulkhead, which now is about 2 feet underwater. Usually water is several feet below the bulkhead.

05-27-2016, 06:27 PM
With these crazy storms the last two days, I decided to stop by our family lakehouse on Lake Conroe to make sure the boats were up high enough on the lifts... The timing couldn't have been more perfect. Literally as my wife and I walked into the backyard, the I/O slipped out of it's lift, and floated away. Thank goodness the wind was blowing towards the shore, so I could chase it down and throw a rope on it.... In the pic, I'm standing on the bulkhead, which now is about 2 feet underwater. Usually water is several feet below the bulkhead.

Our neighbors at lake livingston had their pontoon boat slip out of its lift this morning. they had to chase it down and rescue it. They said the water is up to my father in laws pontoon and if it goes any higher it might float off. My in laws are on their way there right now but it is a 2 hour drive.

05-27-2016, 08:32 PM
Funny how when there is no rain people complain.
Then they get rain and still complain.

05-27-2016, 08:39 PM
Funny how when there is no rain people complain.
Then they get rain and still complain.

Haha, normal rain is what we want! It's been either feast or famine here. Going through water withdrawals or we are over dosing lol. Can't ever get it in moderation.

05-27-2016, 11:35 PM
I hear that, we only had the boat out twice this year so fare. I'm either busy or it's raining.

05-28-2016, 11:52 AM
I live off of 1488, close enough to Conroe. We recorded at least 17" of rain in 2 days, maybe more. Sometimes its hard to empty the gauge before it overflowed ;-)

05-28-2016, 12:47 PM
I live off of 1488, close enough to Conroe. We recorded at least 17" of rain in 2 days, maybe more. Sometimes its hard to empty the gauge before it overflowed ;-)

Here is my dads condo on conroe as of this morning.

http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/rdlangston13/39D1BBAE-F202-407D-83B4-726D2874D018_zpswicg1x7o.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/rdlangston13/media/39D1BBAE-F202-407D-83B4-726D2874D018_zpswicg1x7o.jpg.html)

http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/rdlangston13/D228B1B1-A40F-43E1-9313-D8872E3C62FD_zps5wyfhvlt.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/rdlangston13/media/D228B1B1-A40F-43E1-9313-D8872E3C62FD_zps5wyfhvlt.jpg.html)

05-30-2016, 01:02 PM
Lets check the weather for this upcoming week/weekend!

http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/rdlangston13/23A60B2E-207A-4305-BA97-BC54AA7267AE_zpsdf0vle9v.png (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/rdlangston13/media/23A60B2E-207A-4305-BA97-BC54AA7267AE_zpsdf0vle9v.png.html)

OH YAY!!! MORE RAIN!!!!:mad:

05-31-2016, 01:13 PM
I am house hunting in Houston now and this scares the crap out of me, I am in the clear lake area right now which doesnt flood but I will probably end up in the southwest belt area which is where a good chunk of the Brazos likes to drain.

