View Full Version : Sometimes we lose a legend - let's make a thread that turns into a hit

05-15-2015, 11:55 PM
I'm not the biggest blues guy and I have no musical talent. But, I know a bit about BB King and just wanted to start something that might go nowhere but --- HEY --- you never know . . .

Every iteration of this song is in the public domain and every artist that picks it up has complete control of it and only needs acknowledge that it was BB King inspired. That's all. No royalties, etc. are requested, demanded, required, etc. If you can take anything in this thread and run with it, God bless you. Just, please pay tribute to the great BB King as an inspiration. Also, if you hit big, mention your Moomba thread folks back here.

Anyone else can change, post their own, etc., in this thread. But, all posts are subject to the same limitation. You pass your rights to the artist that grabs it and runs with it. Throw out your thoughts, memories, lyrics, etc. Sometimes, this is how great new art is made. Let's be participants. Here's my weak effort:

Did y'all hear we lost BB King?
. . .
Dang, I'm feelin' a little sad,
Well mostly a bit very sad,

Did y'all hear we lost a legend?
Did y'all hear we lost the man?

Did y'all hear we lost a big man?
Did y'all hear we lost the big man?

Well, I din't hear till just this mornin'g.
Didn't hear till just today.
I didn't hear till jus' this mornin'
That this was a sufferin' day!

Well, did y'all hear we lost a legend?
Did y'all hear we lost the man?
Did y'all hear we lost the big man?
Did y'all hear we lost our man?

I woke up needin' my own things.
And I wa'nt concerned bout no others.
Finished the day thinkin bout some others
And they ain't nobody else's kings.

Once upon a time a fella graced us
With his talent and all he gave us
We sit back and cruise to his flavor
And he jis give us his great favor.

There once was a man who jis played it
Cuz it just needed to be played.
For so long we all took it for granted.
Cuz that's how his tracks were layed.

Well, I din't hear till just this mornin'g.
Didn't hear till just today.
Didn't hear till jus' this mornin'
That this was a sufferin' day!

Did y'all hear we lost a legend?
Did y'all hear we lost the man?

Did y'all hear we lost a big man?
Did y'all hear we lost the big man?
. . .

05-16-2015, 12:57 PM
Very cool Kane!