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05-15-2015, 10:54 PM
So has anybody seen this? Could be fun to have for the boat



05-15-2015, 11:48 PM
WOW freaking sweet, I seriously think I will pull the trigger and roll the dice on this guy.

05-16-2015, 09:13 AM
Now that is getting my interest!

05-16-2015, 11:02 AM
I'm definitely looking at one also, they are kind of limited in applications compared to a current FPV (first person view) model.

Last year I got DJI P2V+ and love it, got it with the intent to use it off the pontoon boat and from in the boat, but I just know that at some point I will end up dunking the thing costing me $$$$

The Lily being waterproof and floats are the two biggest factors for me.

05-16-2015, 11:21 AM
Here's a video on the prototype:


The ability to sync sound from the tracking device is really cool!

05-16-2015, 11:31 AM
Wow that thing is sweet!

05-16-2015, 12:04 PM
Looked cool, was thinking about the preorder until I saw the charge time of 2 hours, it's a one and done use. I have a one wheel on order that charges in 20 minutes, phones even do this now, 2 hours is way to long...

05-16-2015, 12:27 PM
This looks really neat. I've had an AR drone for about three years and I am a lousy pilot so I too am concerned of dunking it in the water. Drone flying is fun and a nice hobby around the campground if they aren't banned there. The Lily should have interchangeable batteries but flying a drone for 20 minutes is a lot of time.

05-16-2015, 12:35 PM
20 minutes isn't long at all. This is an action drone, so you can only record maybe 1 surf set, better not fall. Even one long snowboard run and it's done for the day. Hopefully in 20 minutes you get a few good seconds worth to a make good clip.

Hopefully you don't have any friends on board, be hard to decide who gets the drone.. Lol

05-16-2015, 02:15 PM
I will def be getting one!

05-16-2015, 03:52 PM

05-16-2015, 07:30 PM
Here is 3 others trying to come to market, they are not water proof but just shows how this new technology is expanding.


05-16-2015, 11:05 PM
Very cool stuff. I am leaning towards picking one up. We were leaning towards a Go Pro, but after showing the wife this video she things this is pretty cool also.

05-17-2015, 03:08 PM
I think I'm going to order 2. One for each of the girls and we'll recharge on the boat. Wish it was ready to ship for this summer.

05-17-2015, 03:58 PM
Would be awesome for surfing.

05-18-2015, 03:21 PM
The Lilly can go 23mph so its will keep up with wake boarding as well.

05-18-2015, 04:26 PM
WOW freaking sweet, I seriously think I will pull the trigger and roll the dice on this guy.

Yes, I think you should! I just need a couple friends with these so I don't have to buy one!

05-18-2015, 09:00 PM
Yes, I think you should! I just need a couple friends with these so I don't have to buy one!

Humm, So your plan is for someone else to buy one with a 20 minute use time, 2 hour charge time and then use that on you? Humm.. Yea I'm on board with that.

05-18-2015, 09:19 PM
Humm, So your plan is for someone else to buy one with a 20 minute use time, 2 hour charge time and then use that on you? Humm.. Yea I'm on board with that.

Haha. you don't have to look at it quite like that Mike. I mean, I'll often use my $500 gopro setup (same price as the lily) to take videos of everyone else and won't even bother to take any video of myself. And I don't sweat it at all.

And I never said to use the entire 20 minutes on me! heck, one song's worth I'm sure would be plenty of people to get bored of my extremely limited arsenal of surf moves. And most know I'm sucking wind on a wakeboard WAY before I'd ever make it to 20 minutes. And my 5 "tricks" (if you can call them that) wouldn't take too long to demonstrate. :-)

It's a pretty cool toy for sure, but I'd have a hard time justifying it when I don't know if I can justify the new gopro I've got now. :-D

05-18-2015, 09:24 PM
HAHAHA well I am sure if I had one I would get a few minutes on each persons ride. I have a Go Pro too but its the older 2 version, been thinking of getting the new version.

I just couldn't help but to razz you more in that post bud

05-18-2015, 09:59 PM
HAHAHA well I am sure if I had one I would get a few minutes on each persons ride. I have a Go Pro too but its the older 2 version, been thinking of getting the new version.

I just couldn't help but to razz you more in that post bud

Well, I'm kind of a big deal... I have many leather bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany

05-19-2015, 01:05 AM
The state and county run lakes around here do not allow anything RC. The rangers warned (but didn't ticket) my friend for just playing around with a cheap toy RC boat while we were moored. I've been thinking of ways to tether a kite or balloon so that it wouldn't be "remote controlled"...

05-24-2015, 02:18 PM
This looks really neat. I've had an AR drone for about three years and I am a lousy pilot so I too am concerned of dunking it in the water. Drone flying is fun and a nice hobby around the campground if they aren't banned there. The Lily should have interchangeable batteries but flying a drone for 20 minutes is a lot of time.

I hadn't noticed that the batteries aren't changeable, that sucks. I bought five batteries for my current drone just so we could have plenty of flight time.

I also don't get how the Lily's camera is aimed if it is following a transmitter.

I sure do like the waterproof feature though.