View Full Version : Light Bar Bulb Replacement

03-24-2015, 03:14 PM
The tower was the standard Rad-a-cage but the light bar was not standard based on the Moomba manual picture. The bulbs are halogen but like some of the older forum posts mentioned, the bulbs seem to be soldered to the wiring. Included pics to hopefully shed some light on the issue. Tried pulling and some light twisting to see if they would come out, no luck, so rather than break and yank I put it up to the forum and see if someone else has had luck replacing. Thanks!

03-24-2015, 08:04 PM
I bet if you can disassemble the housing a little more you'll find that there's a removeable connector at the end of the white lead.

this looks like the bulbs you have:

http://www.elightbulbs.com/Ushio-1000789-JA12V-55W-H-3-Single-Ended-Halogen-Light-Bulb&source=GoogleBaseCSE?gclid=CjwKEAjwlsSoBRDoid2ihqn jjlISJABZoG9-YtP9npITUj81wvyAz4iv1VlGEHOsOagsLQckAL-D2hoCbuLw_wcB

worst case scenario if you can't or don't want to disassemble any further, then simply clip and strip the white lead and put some spade terminals in there. But I really think there's some kind of connection that you're not seeing behind the black backing plate. one that keeps the positive from shorting out on the neg.

That said, If it was me, I'd take that whole "fog light" assembly and ditch it in favor of an LED light bar. I had one of the "fog light" light bars on my Supra with 5 of the lights and even with them all facing forward they really didn't do much besides light up the open bow. Fog lights are weak and draw a lot of amperage with the halogen bulbs...

03-25-2015, 08:43 AM
That looks to be the exact bulb, I appreciate the link and the setup information. Would definitely love to go with a LED light bar, I'll add it to the 'in-time' list. Thanks again for the info.