View Full Version : Exile xm9's advise and help

02-16-2015, 11:41 AM
I recently purchased a pair of xm9's to replace my current tower speakers. Pretty excited with all that I have read about these speakers so far.

What some of my questions are;

1) will the current amp I have be adequate to power them. I have a rockford fosgate m600-4d.

2) if I wanted to add another pair, would the sxt9q compliment the sound or would it be better to get another set of the xm9's? And if I did add another pair, I know I would need another amp. What would be the amp to add? Would I get rid of the RF I currently have and buy one to run both sets?

02-16-2015, 12:28 PM
I recently purchased a pair of xm9's to replace my current tower speakers. Pretty excited with all that I have read about these speakers so far.

What some of my questions are;

1) will the current amp I have be adequate to power them. I have a rockford fosgate m600-4d.

2) if I wanted to add another pair, would the sxt9q compliment the sound or would it be better to get another set of the xm9's? And if I did add another pair, I know I would need another amp. What would be the amp to add? Would I get rid of the RF I currently have and buy one to run both sets?

For me personally If i was to upgrade to 4 XM9 I would go with the Exile 30.2 its designed to run 4 XM9s.

On your current set up as long as you bridge those 4 channels together into 2 you should be making 300 per channel and thats fine.

When considering to buy another set of speakers I would go XM9 all the way. The old school of thought with mixing the XM series and SX series was due to the XM7 line. The HLCD XM7 was very vocal and not a lot of warmth due to speaker cone size. The SXT series had a lager mid bass speaker due to the tweeters being separate. With both styles you got a much better sound.

With the XM9 series I personally would not mix them. The XM9 has a great sound and the SXT also has a great sound but I don't think you gain any benefits truly by mixing them like we did with XM7 series

02-16-2015, 12:36 PM
Question. Do you need 4 ? I have 4 and they sound great , but at times it is really overkill, sometimes I am "that guy " on our lake . Lol

Mike is correct the exile 30.2 will do the job great, you may be able to grab a harpoon demo for a deal, which is great too.

Mike has 6 and definately Is "THAT Boat" on the lake .:o

02-16-2015, 02:06 PM
Mike has 6 and definately Is "THAT PARTY COVE" on the lake .:o

jm, fify. with his setup, he's a complete mobile rock show on the water :) .......

02-16-2015, 02:16 PM
I suppose I don't "need" 4. I can sometimes be "that guy" tho. Lol.
I haven't even heard these speakers yet so I'm not quite sure what I'm in for. The main reason I went with exile is because you couldn't hear the tunes very well over the motor when wakeboarding with the ones I currently have. Also I go to this island quite a bit and park with the bow on the beach. Nice feature to spin the speakers around facing you.

02-16-2015, 02:36 PM
I've been very pleased with our 30.2s also. Would be great for the 4 of them.

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02-16-2015, 04:10 PM
Mr Liquid -

If you haven't heard the XM9s yet on your boat, I suggest you use the RFamplifier you have currently. Chances are you are going to get stoked and want a second pair. Most people usually do.. If fills up your tower, and it gives you the ability to "be that guy" when you want to be. when you take the plunge for a second set, I also agree with what Mike said in that you should go with a second set of XM9's over the SXT9's. I'd power them with the XM30.2 like the guys have mentioned. It makes for easy setup because the crossover on that amplifier starts at 80hz (which exactly what you want for XM9's).

But in short - start with what you got, and be your own critic. Maybe 1 pair is all that you need :)


PS: Dusty you sell your boat yet? I been meaning to ask!

02-16-2015, 06:22 PM
I agree that your current rockford amp in 2 chnl bridge mode @ 300W rms is a good spot for most any 8" HLCD. Subtract a little wattage from its rated 14.4 voltage to a more realistic 13.5 and you still have some good headroom wattage wise. With a little more reduction in power when at engine off 12.5, you are still driving them with solid power well over 200W.

If you later decide a 2nd pair is wanted, swapping out to a 2 chnl is ideal, but you could also install a 2nd matching rockford.

There should be no need to mix an HLCD like the xm9 with a traditional coaxial like the sxt to improve sound quality. If tonal control is needed in order to attenuate the compression driver, a dual zone EQ will allow you to adjust the tower speaker to suite, without effecting the in-boats. The only other efficient way to get better sound quality, is to simply go with a larger HLCD.

02-16-2015, 06:30 PM
I really appreciate everyone's help and advice.
Sounds like I might get another set of xm9's and another amp down the road.
I am currently working with a ws420sq eq.
So if I buy another pair of xm9's I should get a 30.2s to run just those 2 speakers? And keep the ones I have now running off the Rockford Fostgate?

02-16-2015, 06:52 PM
No, run all 4 on the 30.2

02-16-2015, 06:52 PM
I really appreciate everyone's help and advice.
Sounds like I might get another set of xm9's and another amp down the road.
I am currently working with a ws420sq eq.
So if I buy another pair of xm9's I should get a 30.2s to run just those 2 speakers? And keep the ones I have now running off the Rockford Fostgate?

The WS-420 is an awesome marine EQ because its 2 EQ's in one chassis. You can adjust the typically larger tower speakers totally independent from the smaller in-boats.

If you do add a 2nd, I would consider swapping the bridged 4 chnl rockford over to a 2 chnl that would drive both pairs. This is the most ideal, because either way, you are looking at a new amp. A single 2 chnl could be a straightforward plug-n-play with no additional amp power cabling or amp rack realestate needed. Or, you can just install a 2nd matching rockford 4 chnl just for the 2nd pair. Wattage wise for the speakers, this is a great option, but it does require new cabling and space on the wall. For tower speakers, I like a single 2 chnl when it gets us the power we want.

02-16-2015, 06:52 PM
I really appreciate everyone's help and advice.
Sounds like I might get another set of xm9's and another amp down the road.
I am currently working with a ws420sq eq.
So if I buy another pair of xm9's I should get a 30.2s to run just those 2 speakers? And keep the ones I have now running off the Rockford Fostgate?

30.2 will run 4 XM9's nicely. All you will ever need. All they can handle.

02-16-2015, 10:33 PM
Would a wetsounds syn2 run the 4 xm9's? Or just get the exile xm30.2 and be done with it?

02-16-2015, 11:28 PM
Would a wetsounds syn2 run the 4 xm9's? Or just get the exile xm30.2 and be done with it?

Yes, the Syn-2 is a good amp for 2 pair of 8" HLCD. Another option that would drive them to their full potential would be the Wet Sounds SD-2, which would net over 300W rms to each or the Arc Audio KS600.2 for 300w rms to each. Another solid option would be a JL Audio HD750/1.

02-17-2015, 12:25 AM
It really comes into question on how many times you want to upgrade your system. It took me three times to find out that 4 XM9 with an Exile amp designed to run them was well worth the money. Now with all the pain of replacing amps in a small space and tower speakers I look back and should have just purchased the system I wanted in the end to begin with.

02-17-2015, 12:26 AM
Wetsounds powering xm 9 's might make your boat explode.

Just teasing , all above are good suggestions include the exile amp .

02-17-2015, 08:15 AM
Wetsounds powering xm 9 's might make your boat explode.

Not the boat, but a few heads here im sure :p