View Full Version : More setup questions???

01-31-2015, 03:28 PM
Ok guys I know I've asked before but I just want to make sure I have a nice system before I commit to a certain setup.

Originally I was thinking of this setup

(4) KM8's on tower
(2) 400.4 for tower
(4) KM6's in stock cabin locations
(1) 400.4 for cabin
(2) KM6's in the bow
(1) 400.4 for the bow
(1) L712 under the dash
(1) 1200.1 for sub
(4) ZXMLRC for sub, tower, cabin & bow

Then I saw MLA Facebook page and he did a new kicker setup in a Malibu with 2 KM10's under the dash. So it got me thinking....

(4) KM8's on tower
(2) 800.5 for tower & subs
(4) KM6's in stock cabin locations
(1) 400.4 for cabin & bow
(2) KM6's in the bow
(2) KM10's under the seats (in Kicker Marine Sub Box)
(2) KM10's under the dash
(4) ZXMLRC for sub, tower, cabin & bow

What are your thoughts on going from (5) amps & (1) L7? To (3) amps & (4) 10's?

Thanks "again" for all your help.

David Analog
01-31-2015, 11:40 PM
My only concern is that I do not like subwoofers mounted in different locations with different orientations and loaded differently. As you add each subwoofer in a new location you do get more output but not with the same collective efficiency of a single and best location. The main criticism is that with subwoofers you are dealing with longer waveforms thus multiple & asymmetrical locations make it impossible to have a coherent phase response. The sound gets a bit muddy and you get hot and cold spots around the cockpit.
In contrast, multiple subwoofers tightly collected in the same location, loaded and oriented the same is a totally positive approach. Then the decision between a single 12" or 15" and two 10" for example becomes primarily an issue of which yields the most radiating surface area.

01-31-2015, 11:49 PM
My only concern is that I do not like subwoofers mounted in different locations with different orientations and loaded differently. As you add each subwoofer in a new location you do get more output but not with the same collective efficiency of a single and best location. The main criticism is that with subwoofers you are dealing with longer waveforms thus multiple & asymmetrical locations make it impossible to have a coherent phase response. The sound gets a bit muddy and you get hot and cold spots around the cockpit.
In contrast, multiple subwoofers tightly collected in the same location, loaded and oriented the same is a totally positive approach. Then the decision between a single 12" or 15" and two 10" for example becomes primarily an issue of which yields the most radiating surface area.

My whole thought of the 2 10s under the seat would be more of a boat shaker. The interior would be more musical. Maybe I'm wrong though, I'm not to familiar with boat stereos. Thanks for the advice!

David Analog
02-01-2015, 09:20 AM
My whole thought of the 2 10s under the seat would be more of a boat shaker. The interior would be more musical. Maybe I'm wrong though, I'm not to familiar with boat stereos. Thanks for the advice!

Certainly you would get the more tactile boat shaker effect from two additional subs under the seat. But there is also an acoustic aspect to that addition and it is not a plus from an accuracy standpoint. It's not just an issue in boats. The conflict of adding subs in different locations with different orientations and different loading is common to vehicles and homes.