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View Full Version : 06 Mobius LS vs 06 Outback V

05-09-2006, 09:29 AM
Need help!

will be getting new boat soon (outback V), we like the v drive setup for family. last saturday was in new 06 Mobius LS. Very nice ergonomics for a center engine. I will be splitting time 50% Wakesurfing and 50% waterskiing at 28 to 34MPH.

Any feedback on Mobius LS wakes for skiing in that speed range would be helpfull! I need to make up my mind soon, the dealer and the rep have been great!


05-09-2006, 10:33 AM
I think it comes to sacrifice. Neither will do both well. The LS WILL have a MUCH better ski wake. Direct drives just do becuase of location of the engine... but the LS hull is the same as the LSV hull and it is designed for wakeboarding so it is not as good a wake as the plain Outback. The wake plate can make up about 80% of the difference, but IMHO a true pro ski wake requires a small, light, flat bottom, center engine boat.

The sacrifice to get this is much less storage room, much less family room (all room behind the engine is useless when pulling a skier) less seating room, and when wakesurfing, you have less room for hiding ballast so it will also be in the way on the floor. The V drives are excellent for family, wakeboarding, wakesurfing, huge amounts of storage (ask Ed about how mine looked to him), all of the seating is usable during a pull since the pole is behind the seats but still in front of the engine.

Probably the toughest choice for you since you are not a wakeboarder. I personally think the V drives are the way of the future, and ski wakes have improved on them in recent years... still a few to go before they get it to a level of equality though.

Your best bet is to take the V drive out on a ski run. Or find a nice soul with one that will give you a pull at your speed and with the wakeplate down the proper amount.

Hope this rambling helps,


05-09-2006, 10:49 AM
Thank You guys!!!

I have a meeting tomorrow with my dealer at the lake and will bring my Ski. I will ask to ski both (if he agrees). Ice thawed from lake 2 weeks ago water very cold and i dont have a drysuite. will be an interesting "short" ski session tomorrow.... :)) If wake is good Outback V. then it gets hitched on car!

Thanks again

05-09-2006, 10:50 AM
Thank You guys!!!

I have a meeting tomorrow with my dealer at the lake and will bring my Ski. I will ask to ski both (if he agrees). Ice thawed from lake 2 weeks ago water very cold and i dont have a drysuite. will be an interesting "short" ski session tomorrow.... :)) If wake is good Outback V. then it gets hitched on car!

Thanks again

05-09-2006, 10:59 AM
Thank You guys!!!

I have a meeting tomorrow with my dealer at the lake and will bring my Ski. I will ask to ski both (if he agrees). Ice thawed from lake 2 weeks ago water very cold and i dont have a drysuite. will be an interesting "short" ski session tomorrow.... :)) If wake is good Outback V. then it gets hitched on car!

Thanks again

05-09-2006, 08:38 PM

What was that? I missed it?

So what did you get? I bet The V. And Ed exaggerates, it was only 32 clowns


05-10-2006, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by Wakesurfer

I have a meeting tomorrow with my dealer at the lake and will bring my Ski. I will ask to ski both (if he agrees). Ice thawed from lake 2 weeks ago water very cold and i dont have a drysuite. will be an interesting "short" ski session tomorrow.... :)) If wake is good Outback V. then it gets hitched on car!
Thanks again

If your dealer declines, find a new dealer (if possible).
Yes, its a boat, but you care a bit more than if it just floats.

Take your skis and a wakeboard. Give both a try.
The outback-D has a sweet little wake for slalom off the trailer.
Throw some weight in it and its a beginnner to intermediate wakeboat.

The V drive starts as a intermediate and moves up with weight.

I went with the outback-D as my wife skis and I'm just not that good at wakeboarding yet. I didn't get to test drive it, dealer was willing, by my old bod was screaming NO ITS COLD! But some guys here posted pics of their wakes and it helped make the decision.

05-11-2006, 06:03 AM
When I bought my '04, the dealer 'insisted' we take her out and try the wake.

05-11-2006, 10:54 AM
WOW!!!! i was pleasnatly surpriesed with the wake on the Outback V. The wake plate makes a VERY BIG diffrence. did not ski it, temparture was too cold in the uper 30's and water at 50's. but the wake just flatens out when you have that thing down...!!! I have the outback V home now. I will post picks soon. Navy blue with platinum inside and Teck platform looks sweet and classy. Only thing remains is how it will handle big water on a windy saturday PM on VERY big and busy lake.... but i guess you cant have it all!


05-16-2006, 02:13 PM
Where are those pics?

We have the same boat in an '05 model and I ski behind ours often and love it. In my opinion it's a better cross-over boat than the '03 DD Outback LS we had previously. When you get up past 30mph with the plate almost all the way down it's really very acceptable. Enjoy!

05-16-2006, 02:58 PM
Will post pictures soon; Its been rainning everyday since i got the boat last wednesday....

06-13-2006, 03:40 PM

Can you send pictures of the waterski wake at 31-32 with the wakeplate down? Also pictures of the boat. I am in the same dilema and my local dealer doesn't have a V in stock to see the wake.

If you can - please send to [email protected]. Thanks.

06-13-2006, 03:56 PM

will get the pictures soon, I skied it in open water at 32 to 34 not bad. We just finished instaling the slalom course. we will ski it tonight. that will be the test. other than that it seem that i need to run the boat with wake plate almost all the way down all the time to get performace and bouncinhg

06-13-2006, 06:52 PM
The "bouncing" is called porposing. Since the larger hulls are stepped convex at the rear, they want to run nose high without any assistance. At speed, that means the nose wants to jump out of the water - no fun if you sitting on the bow for what you think will be a nice smooth ride. ;)

I cannot imagine ANYONE with one of these convex hulls who does not have a wakeplate ...I could never enjoy the boat!

The wakeplate should be flat - which is about 90% down - almost all the time unless you are trying to create a wake (wakesurfing, wakeboarding, etc) Minor "trim" can then be done to slightly lift or lower the nose based on chop and wind when running fast.



06-13-2006, 09:44 PM
thanks Joe,

So is this hull like a tige? dont they have a patent on this..:) I was wondering when the wake plate would be flat with the hull. you are saying 90% down? and not in the midle like the gguage indicates?

thanks Dany

06-14-2006, 12:35 AM
Set it on the trailer and look for yourself - that is the only way to know your boat and it's settings... all are a bit different.



06-15-2006, 07:07 PM
Thanks Wakesurfer,

I would really appreciate that. We ski behind a Malibu Response all the time and those slalom wakes at 32 MPH are perfect. We are a little spoiled with that one. The Outback would be equal, but I would really like the V instead. I just don't want to give up too much and not be able to use it skiing at all.

06-20-2006, 09:58 PM

How did the slalom course run go with the V? Haven't seen the pictures, so that means you were either not impressed or skiing too much to bother with the computer.

Hope it's the better of the two.

07-15-2006, 08:42 PM
Guys, Slalom Wakes are great; I am no issues just cut hard and hold you will love them