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03-04-2006, 06:04 PM
I just purchased my first boat an 05 outback with the 340 horse motor. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to use the throttle in pulling someone up. I want to know if you just drop the hammer or start a little slower than hammer it. I live in Wisconsin and i'm just waiting till the ice melts.

03-05-2006, 11:06 AM
I really depends on the what you are pulling up (Wakeboard, 2 skis, slalom ski), and the weight and skill of the person your are pulling up. Wakeboarding is more of a medium pull with steady accelleration until you are on a plane and up to speed, I would say the same for someone on 2 skis, a slalom skier is a more aggressive pull as they need more to get them out of the water quickly. Of course this is all subjective based on the weight and skill of the rider. Me at 220lbs need a pretty hard pull to get out on slalom. You have to be careful though as you can rip the handle out of your riders hand, expecially with the 340 in the Outback. All this to say, it really depends on the factors discussed earlier.


03-05-2006, 01:33 PM
I'm with pete. I bet if Ed's wife posted, she would have a diiferent story;)


03-05-2006, 03:50 PM
"somewhat" LMAO

I've been in the boat when a husband tells wife - her fault she should just "Just HIT IT"

Those days will return soon.....

winterized and waiting in Ohio


03-05-2006, 09:24 PM
At 210 on a 69" ski I still do not come out with full power. It is simply too much pull. If someone hits it and I hang on I can feel things in my shoulders and arms and legs telling me to let go.

I think is is more about a steady increase than a hammer down.

When I am pulling someone up, I watch the mirror. I start out gentle, and as soon as their ski appears straight and not wavering I feel I can increase with greater force.

I think it is better to start slowly and let them tell you to give it more than the other way around.


03-05-2006, 10:49 PM
The only times I have "hit it" on somebody they have lost the handle when I first got the boat. And a few times I got the handle back at me for a real thank you. Pulling people is something that takes a few pulls so look for someone that giving personal feedback is not their forte because you'll know if your too fast or too slow out of the hole. I've had people pull me up too fast and too slow but most of the I can get up on the slow start I just pretend I'm getting up behind an I/O (had one for many years..been there-done that).

03-06-2006, 12:27 AM
When I pull someone out of the water, I do it as slow as I possibly can. I hardly touch the throttle at all. The only reason I do this is because i'm CHEAP. My boat uses to much fuel the way it is. Its saves a ton of money doing this, and allows us to stay out longer. Sometimes when I have a full load, I can burn through 40 gallons in less then 5 hours.

Ian Brantford
03-06-2006, 01:12 PM
The main point to having a towboat is to tow someone, which means that the driver is just the driver, and the rider is in charge. The main problem is that only riders who are experienced with similar watercraft will know what they want. Less experienced riders will need more choices than "drop the hammer or start a little slower than hammer". :-)

Even with experienced riders, there can be a difference of opinion with that is said and what is understood. Allow for some initial experimentation and feedback, starting on the less powerful side. Most people will want a continuous application of power (rather than abrupt), independent of how strong it is overall.

Note my "experienced with similar watercraft" comment. I once had a rider behind by 175HP I/O who grew up waterskiing behind an even lesser boat. While skilled, he had no experience with a better boat. I had to let him down easy about my boat's mediocrity after his "I can't believe the power of this thing" comment. Anyway, some people wil ask for the hammer down, not knowing what that really implies.

Best wishes!

03-29-2006, 12:16 AM
If you are pulling a wakeboarder there seems to be many styles of choice on starts. I myself am a "pin it" all the way kind of style. I am pretty light at 165lb and I kind of rotate right up and out with the board hardly moving before I am up. I find that it suits me well, the slow drag always burns more arm and back muscle out of me. I have firends that want to be pulled up at about 1/4 throttle unitl they get on top of the water and then its up to speed quickly. Start by taking someone out in your boat who is an experianced driver and just watch them. You will get the hang of it real fast.

The more important aspect of driving is the turn around and pick up, please don't be one of those guys who does that high speed turn around and sends that huge wake across the lake for everyone else to hit while searching for perfect water....
If you get a half dozen guys doing that, the lake goes to hell real fast.
Have fun, good luck :)