View Full Version : 2009 Outback V Surf Recommendations

06-23-2013, 11:04 AM
Looking for everyone's advice on my surf set up since I'm a beginner to the sport.

Yesterday I had 750lb ballast on the surf side and the factory 400 in the center ballast filled in the video below. I also had quit a few people in the boat adding bit of weight, I had one adult (approx. 200lb) in the bow, 3 adults on the surf side approx 500 lbs (do the math ;) and one adult in the back on the non surf side (when I had him go to the surf side I thought we were going to take on water). It seemed at about 11mph I could feel the push more, we ran between 8.5-11 during the session.

Looking advice on speed, position and weighting after watching my video. Anything helps. Thanks


06-28-2013, 08:00 PM
I run a 750 surfside locker, 400 on the surfside seat with the bench turned sideways to support it, locker full and an IBS. 10.5mph seems about right for my setup.

06-28-2013, 09:03 PM
Looking for everyone's advice on my surf set up since I'm a beginner to the sport.

Yesterday I had 750lb ballast on the surf side and the factory 400 in the center ballast filled in the video below. I also had quit a few people in the boat adding bit of weight, I had one adult (approx. 200lb) in the bow, 3 adults on the surf side approx 500 lbs (do the math ;) and one adult in the back on the non surf side (when I had him go to the surf side I thought we were going to take on water). It seemed at about 11mph I could feel the push more, we ran between 8.5-11 during the session.

Looking advice on speed, position and weighting after watching my video. Anything helps. Thanks


Looks pretty nice, with that much weight you might be pushing the limit of the boat like you said, almost taking on water.

First i would slow down a little more to 10.5 also when you watch the video you can see how the rear of the boat looks very flat, even, not leaned over and this is also why your roster tail is sitting right on your wave. In the end it looks like the boat was going too fast because you would push on your front foot and speed up but you fell back in the wave really fast.

I would go with the weight set up you have, when you have people put a couple in the Bow, either side it doesnt matter, you just want nose weight.

Then if you have a big crew get the heavier people to sit surf side and only really light people on the opposite side.

Goofy on all Moomba's is pretty touchy with weight on the goofy side.

When you roll the boat to the Regular you can get away with more people on the goofy side sitting.

06-29-2013, 08:26 PM
speed looks way to fast in the video. you want to be plowing a little more