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05-19-2013, 11:57 PM
So last August I ran personal bests in the course at 28 off and made an impressive (for me) attempt at 32 off. By the end of the summer I could not make three turns without falling to save my life (in open water), and that mess has continued into the first run this spring.

Thankfully we are heading down for more coaching in June. Hopefully Doug can help me once again get my act together.

05-20-2013, 09:48 AM
That's no fun, hopefully you can straighten it all out. kinda like getting a case of the "shanks" in golf , its usually just a slight physical adjustment and positive mental thinking. good luck.

05-20-2013, 12:20 PM
Ouch. I had the shanks bad off the tee on Fri. Luckily I was in a scramble so others could carry me. I carried all of them hitting into the greens. Could not believe the driver was so bad and short irons so good. Actually won a closest to the pin trophy but no team trophy. Fun day though.

05-20-2013, 01:16 PM
If I have any regression on skiing, I'll be wakeboarding.

I have been about the run the course a few times at 15'off at 28 and 30 mph. I watch the Andy Mapple video and he does 15' so early, with one hand, it makes me sick.

05-21-2013, 12:50 PM
I'm sure you've already checked your equipment settings to make sure nothing has changed. I'll be interested to hear what Doug sees that you're doing differently than the last time you skied with him and having a different set of eyes on you will help. I'll bet he has you figured out after your first set. These subtle technique changes that can have huge effects on your skiing is what can be so frustrating and also exciting about slalom for me.

05-24-2013, 08:24 AM
Good coaching is the key! From start to finish. I know I spend some quality time with Trent Findlayson over the winter while working in Texas and it's amazing what good knowledge can do when it's taught to you in a way you understand and can apply what's being taught to you!

Good luck dude and I'm sure it will get fixed up in a hurry!

05-25-2013, 09:40 AM
@skikyaker - thanks for the idea on settings. I normally never tinker with them but I looked and there is something odd. I can't say for sure if the ski has alwasy been like this but the fin is now showing that I have more 'tip' in the fin. And the fin visibly shows signs of having been less tip at one time. However, I went out for the first time since I posted this last night and things seem better. I am going to see if I can get the factory settings and consider restoring them. I think what helped is I was more relaxed - expecting to have problems and being relaxed helped.

@skihard - could not agree more - I used to think I knew how t ski until I got some coaching - very humbling but very helpful. If I can give one word of ski advice to anyone - spend three days in a row with a good coach sking 2-3 hard sets per day - it will revolutionize your skiing - and fo you goung guys who don't think you can afford it - find a way - before you entrench yourself in 20 or 30 years of bad habits.