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View Full Version : Looking forward to another season

02-28-2013, 03:45 PM
Well I decided I couldn't wait any longer and had the screws removed from my ankle this last Monday.I am walking ok
it is sore of course, no work for a week. I will wake board again but no big jumps like I used to . Looks like I am keeping the lsv for another season , it does the job pretty well and I have it fixed up the way I like it. Tried to post a pic of the screws but not working.

02-28-2013, 03:55 PM
Glad your not getting screwed anymore.

I think ill pass on the pic, i think you posted them last time and it hurt looking at them.

02-28-2013, 04:14 PM
Please tell me you didn't blow your ankle out wakeboarding????

02-28-2013, 06:03 PM
Please tell me you didn't blow your ankle out wakeboarding????

What! Who does this!? :rolleyes: Not us!!! ;)

Hope I'm not the only one who's blown out one ankle and sprained the other one wakeboarding! Hope all goes well with the recovery and getting back on a board!! Take it easy though when you first get back on. You will have to re-learn some balance on it but not a whole lot. At least I had to!

02-28-2013, 09:04 PM
please start you own thread.. jim lets see some pics..i work at ahospital so it wont hurt me lol

03-01-2013, 04:26 AM
Man a little over a week ago I went to a trampoline park with bhowell and within the first 5 mins I landed on the framing part of the trampoline and my ankle made a very audible pop sound. It hurt a little but not to bad and i paid for an hour of jumping so I kept jumping on it for an hour. It swelled up and I iced it that night. Feels better this weak but still hurts when bent a certain way and still has a tender spot. Hope I don't need screws!

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