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04-08-2003, 04:07 PM
I have an '01 Outback and have traditionally just been a slalom skier. However, I want to improve my wakeboarding skills this season. My question is, what is the optimal take-off on the wakeboard rope to get me in the right part of the wake for boarding? Any input for this beginner is appreciated.

04-08-2003, 05:30 PM
Hey I've got an '01 Outback also. You really need at least a couple of the smaller phat sacs to get a decent wake. 1 350# on each side of the engine will be great for starters, then you can add another one in the trunk and one up front and get a great wake. Also of course you'll want an extended pylon or tower. I started at about 60' + handle and am now at 65 or 70. One thing to note is that if you use your slalom rope it will spring back mega. We had ours bungee the handle into the boat on multiple occasions. A spectra or better yet a poly w/ a spectra core will prevent this, I still use my ski handle with the wakeboard rope.

04-08-2003, 05:42 PM
Thanks. I bought a rope and handle (masterline) for wakeboarding in the off-season so hopefully I won't kill anybody in the boat. I am looking into getting a couple of fat sacs. I guess I need to learn to jump the small wake first. Thanks for the tips.

04-09-2003, 06:28 PM
well it all depends on the # you have in the boat and how the hull will displavce the water, ideally its right abour 60-70 feet but look as your rideing where you thing the ideal lip of the wake will be for you then adjust the rope accordingly between sessions, some boats are way different than others in reguard to the shape and hold at different lengths.