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View Full Version : New Year's Resolutions-- Boating or Otherwise- Share 'em here

01-03-2012, 12:28 PM
The new year wipes the slate clean and gives us an opportunity to change our lives, set a new direction, find a new focus, etc. So, what are you going to do differently? What goals have you set? What plans do you have? Boating goals or other? Let's hear them. You can commit yourself and/or inspire others by sharing your thoughts here.

01-03-2012, 02:09 PM
I'm going to not get fat

01-03-2012, 02:25 PM
Well, it's not exactly a code, more like guidelines for my new year:

1. Don't sweat the small stuff/ enjoy each day.
2. Think that nasty comment, just don't say it!
3. Don't eat stuff just because I'm bored!
4. Say yes and go do it instead of finding an excuse not to!
5. Stop and listen, especially to kids.
6. Remember and be the guy she fell in love with.
7. Throw it out or donate it -- keep clutter to a minimum.
8. Reach out to friends and old friends.
9. Give more positive energy to everyone!
10. Don't over-react!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-03-2012, 02:26 PM
I'm already fat. going in the other direction.

2 goals for the year:

-make it back to florida for a "real" vacation with the gf
-lose 20 lbs.

stepped on the scale last night and it reported me at 208. started drinking water and using the elliptical today. goal is an even 188... it's my happy weight..

01-03-2012, 05:09 PM
I'm not going to worry about dropping a specific amount of weight, but i want to eat healthier, and get into better shape for the summer! that and to quit anguishing over things i can't change!

01-03-2012, 05:41 PM
I think Kane pretty much nailed it.

I'll throw in a few of my own:

* Increase my life insurance
* Plan ahead more - do less last minute
* Remember to enjoy the ride - it's not all about the destination

I'm not too worried about weight but I do need to strengthen and tone up my core to help avoid injuries next season!

01-03-2012, 07:39 PM
The above listed are all or mostly on my list I'll add that I'm going to try and be a little more financially responsible and prepare for future financial security. I tend to spend to much on wants without setting a plan. Need to cut out the impulsive in me! Wife and I are are looking at a cruise at the end of the summer, want/need some upgrades to the boat and truck, and of course all the daily buy this buy that so we'll see how the financial resolution part goes.

It does not help either that I just called my dealership to check on my boat and when I can pick it up and my salesman told me he is expecting the MoJo to be delivered tomorrow!! How convienient for me huh!

01-03-2012, 08:12 PM
The new year wipes the slate clean .

I thought it was the catholic church that did that will hell mary's?

01-03-2012, 10:18 PM
The above listed are all or mostly on my list I'll add that I'm going to try and be a little more financially responsible and prepare for future financial security. I tend to spend to much on wants without setting a plan. Need to cut out the impulsive in me! Wife and I are are looking at a cruise at the end of the summer, want/need some upgrades to the boat and truck, and of course all the daily buy this buy that so we'll see how the financial resolution part goes.

It does not help either that I just called my dealership to check on my boat and when I can pick it up and my salesman told me he is expecting the MoJo to be delivered tomorrow!! How convienient for me huh!

JP I'm trying to do just the opposite. Life is short, and my the number of years I can ski are finite. When I'm old I'll be sitting on the shore remembering the days when I could run through the course and I don't want waste any of them. For me it's not the most financially responsible thing to do but I called my dealer today and I'm going to move that engine to the center of my boat!

01-03-2012, 10:29 PM
Yeah ski, can't wait to see the pics!!

01-03-2012, 11:18 PM
there is a fine line that needs to be walked between being finacially secure for the future and enjoying the short life we have. i know alot of my friends scolded me when i bought a boat instead of a house, i was always told how bad of an investment that is how I should wait until I have a house and all this to get toys. To me if I wait till i a buy a house and do all that ill be 40 or 50 and the amount of physical activity i can do behind a boat will greatly decrease. like you said we only have so long to live and even less time to be able to actively enjoy physical activities. Now that being said I do not go and buy whatever i want, i do save pretty diligently although the holidays did delay that, i have a 401k and employee stock account at my company and a saving account and i keep a healthy balance.

01-03-2012, 11:30 PM
Everything in moderation. Easy to say when you're a moderator. Har dee har har...

01-03-2012, 11:34 PM
Although I hate resolutions, since I think I should always try to better myself, I did go to the doc just before the holidays. I was told that my blood sugar is high. I'm not overweight, but the only exercise I have been getting lately is snowboarding, so today I brushed off the bike trainer and hooked up my 2006 giant ocr1. So not a new years resolution, just how the timing worked out.

Also, I agree with David above. Just graduated college in May and bought half a moomba just before my 23rd birthday! Now I can start saving...

01-04-2012, 10:12 AM
there is a fine line that needs to be walked between being finacially secure for the future and enjoying the short life we have. i know alot of my friends scolded me when i bought a boat instead of a house, i was always told how bad of an investment that is how I should wait until I have a house and all this to get toys. To me if I wait till i a buy a house and do all that ill be 40 or 50 and the amount of physical activity i can do behind a boat will greatly decrease. like you said we only have so long to live and even less time to be able to actively enjoy physical activities. Now that being said I do not go and buy whatever i want, i do save pretty diligently although the holidays did delay that, i have a 401k and employee stock account at my company and a saving account and i keep a healthy balance.

good point! this is why I'm going to stick with Moomba, load it up, and still come in thousands less than a Bu which also tickles my fancy. I can put the money I save in my 403b!

01-06-2012, 08:36 PM
be a better Dad for my Daughter
be a better husband for my wife
try not to blow money on wastefull items
enjoy life more-its short and you never know how short
be thankfull for family
be thankfull for friends
not worrie so much about the small things-again life is short
find a better job

not look at a new Moomba-well at least this year-lol