View Full Version : Boat Audio Vids

05-05-2011, 10:23 AM
Anyone have vids of their systems like these?


05-05-2011, 10:26 AM
One guy comes to mind. Actually, I think there's at least two.

05-05-2011, 12:35 PM
Ben -

That set up is the Hybrid configuration.

SXT + SXT + XM7. This setup is for guys that really want the best of both worlds: upclose sound quality and long reaching wakeboard sounds. This is an advanced Exile setup. It is run off of the harpoon amplifier with an additional fan put into the installation or bi-amp'd with an additional XI800

The Sub that family is running is the XI12D + XI1500.1 in a vented enclosure. It slamssss!

Here's another Hybrid

Exile Hybrid Tower setup (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REHhXit5Fic)

And Mandley's Moomba (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmmrdmqBh80&feature=related)
(2 pair XM7 + Harpoon setup)

This is also the setup that got installed in Josh Twelkers 2011 boat last week

Fun video

Exile Audio

05-05-2011, 12:48 PM
Brian, those vids are killing me.

KG's Supra24
05-05-2011, 03:55 PM
So what is the deal with this hybrid setup? In the past it always seems it was advised not to mix HLCD's with coaxials. Has technology changed? Was the previous advice just because it was uncharted territory?

It really sounds like the best of both worlds but when i was putting my system together i was advised not to do it. I am assuming all 6 play at once and its not a switch to turn the hlcd's on/off?

KG's Supra24
05-05-2011, 04:01 PM
This isn't a video but I think it applies to boat stereo setups as much as it does Apple ...


KG's Supra24
05-05-2011, 04:21 PM
So what is the deal with this hybrid setup? In the past it always seems it was advised not to mix HLCD's with coaxials. Has technology changed? Was the previous advice just because it was uncharted territory?

It really sounds like the best of both worlds but when i was putting my system together i was advised not to do it. I am assuming all 6 play at once and its not a switch to turn the hlcd's on/off?


In summary .... "And, lets get real. Since when have six good speakers of any mix on a tower with 1000 watts of power not sounded really impressive?"

05-05-2011, 07:01 PM
KG - Are you asking a question? Or answering it... chuckles.

When you where putting together your system, what where the particulars? And who told you not to do this. And why? that thread you posted is a long read. And yes, there has have been numerous threads about advising against mixing technologies. I dont want to claim to speak for any other brand other than Exile when I say, if you want to run the Exile Hybrid setup, you need 2pr Surf speakers + 1 pr XM7 orXM9 speakers. And it sounds fantastic all off deck power. Ok, joking about that last part. You need to feed these speakers lots of power!

I've been approached by both customers since those videos where shot of their boats and they do not understand why so many people are skeptical of their setups. In reality, not all speakers sound the same, not all amplifiers sound the same, and not all gear gets installed the same. That is the world we live in.

If you are interested in one of these setups from (any) brand, I recommend being an advanced installer or taking it to a shop that has skilled people. The term Hybrid doesn't mean something super elusive. It's a marketing term that describes the mixing of two different speaker designs.

If you get a chance, listen to these setups on the water, I think you'll enjoy the Exile sound.


05-05-2011, 08:21 PM
If you read and reread that Wakeworld thread you will find that virtually every contingent has been addressed relating to a "hybrid"...if not in that thread, in those before it on the same topic. There isn't much else technically to add.
Here are the basic concerns. The Exile two surf to one HLCD ratio of equal sized speakers will work and sound very good. There is no issue there at all. But you shouldn't apply mixes universally to dissimilar speakers or other ratios because you can leave alot of efficiency on the table and you have a risky setup that may result in blown speakers, particularly the conventional tweeters. This statement is rooted in the most fundamental principles and supported by everyone of the primary tower speaker manufacturers. Its not just my opinion. The discussions only get complicated when people become defensive over the technical aspects as if its a crticism of a certain brand or their personal setup or people attempt to play something up to be more than it really is.
Earmark Marine

05-05-2011, 08:26 PM

Don't take this as hateraid, but the videos shot in support of a systems sound are not representative. They are cool, but not representative.

Unless you are using pro-quality video recording equipment with separate audio recording equipment, you are dealing with an audio pre-amplifier that has an auto gain-ranging function. The volume control in the video recorder is NOT fixed.

Home videos shot with home video equipment don't allow a lot of control. One control you usually don't have is the recording volume control. It is automatic. The typical home video recorder or cell phone video recorder will automatically turn the volume up so you can hear it, and constantly adjust it to the volume level it is trying to record. Say you are in a quiet room filming a baby snoring. The audio electronics will turn the microphone gain up to the point where you can hear the baby snoring. If you suddenly turn a loud radio on, not only will you startle the baby but you will crash the front end of the audio recording portion of your video, (and audio) recording. As it re-adjusts, the sound will go from distorted to something close to clear, but then you will not hear the baby snoring. If I turn on my TV and start recording it with a home video or cell phone video recorder, and then slowly start turning the volume down, the video recorder will compensate and the volume in the video recording after the fact will seem to be similar or same upon playback, at leat until the TV sond is turned totally off.

I can create the same effect by standing in front of a home video recorder or cell phone video recorder and starting to talk. Then I can start backing up while continuing to talk. Assuming there are no louder sounds to screw it up, the video recorder's audio section will continue to turn the gain up to try to record my voice as I walk away. I will be able to talk at a huge distance and have myself be still quite intelligible when the recording is played back.

Now understand, this is not a slam of any brand of speaker or amplifiers. The video examples above are representative of what happens with the video recorders audio input auto-gain-ranging funtion and nothing more. I can put a set of 4-inch coaxial speakers up on a tower, from Kicker, or Kenwood, or Rockford, and produce the same type of video. I can tape a pair of barking dogs to the tower and have the boat pull away and get a video that makes it seem the dogs are infinitely loud too...... It is not a function of the speakers or the dogs... It is a function of the video recorder.... The only thing to be wowed about is the degree to which the video recorder can react quicky to changing sound volumes during the "video" recording.

Again, this is not a slam of any brand. It is just a little education. Until we all can experience a video where the shooter can produce proof that pro-quality equipment was used where the audio portion was recorded with a fixed gain setting we need to take all these videos with a grain of salt....

Not hating, just explaining...


05-05-2011, 08:34 PM
That makes a great deal of sense to me in that if you tape a couple of dogs to the tower they will eventually begin to bark.

05-05-2011, 08:37 PM
David, did you just make a funny? Oh my, I chuckled!

05-05-2011, 08:57 PM
That makes a great deal of sense to me in that if you tape a couple of dogs to the tower they will eventually begin to bark.

hah! :D too funny

05-05-2011, 09:20 PM
Yeah, I'd like to hear a mix of dogs on the tower, kind of a hybrid of sorts. A couple of Chihuahuas would be ideal for piercing projection combined with a husky Rottweiler to moderate the Chihuahuas.

05-05-2011, 09:38 PM
Who let the dogs out ? woof woof woof woof woof.

05-06-2011, 01:10 AM
Well looks like i dont need to post my Video lol

I am actually working on installing the Hybrid setup on my boat. Brian ordered me some new towers, he has since sold my XM7s as a Demo pair last i herd to a memeber on here whome i know.

Once i get the new tower set up we will be shooting some new video on the water of the new system.

My big changes are even though i am still running my same XI12D sub i am upping the power from 1500 to 2500 and then adding the Hybrid set up. I am working on fabricatting a cooling system for the amp and if that doesnt work then i have a couple amp fans i have been looking at getting. We will see.

KG's Supra24
05-06-2011, 09:19 AM
David, just out of curiosity, have you tried mixing the 770's together in a hybrid setup?

05-06-2011, 11:50 AM
We can mix and match any combination we want in our showroom. The way the switching system is set up its as easy as triggering a couple of relays.
As long as the size and construction of the speakers are symmetrical then you can safely mix a ratio of two 7.7 surf coaxials and one 7.7 HLCD.
With the new Bullet NEO HollowPoint HLCDs and their new crossover network,
I'm not sure what the real purpose would be. They are already more efficient, warmer and smoother than the previous model not to mention that four 7.7s have the same surface area as six 6.5s.
Also, we can use a JL Audio HD750/1 to drive a six-pack at 2.67 ohms. Its strictly regulated so it delivers full power at most any load. No loss of damping. No increase in distortion. No decrease in efficiency. No heat issues even in Texas. 60 percent more efficient than a Class AB amplifier running at 4 ohms let alone 2 ohms or even 1.33 ohms. Or, we can run a hybrid six-pack with a single Wetsounds Syn6 which maintains an impedance load of no less than 2 ohms in this scheme and with a level control it allows you to alter the mix of the surf speakers and HLCDs on the fly.
We've got tons of options.

Earmark Marine