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View Full Version : Worst way to start off a summer

03-28-2011, 10:33 PM
So, I have been wanting my own Moomba for years now. And I finally came down to blowing off the 03 Outback V and went with the 05 Outback LSV (pics are coming this weekend) Had a great party two weekends ago with my boat and my buddies 09Mobius. Lots of people and just the perfect way to start the season. Until we decided to hit the wakeboard on the mobius. Had all three bags full and a ton of people in the boat. NICE wake. Long story short, my first run of the season and I tore the meniscus in my right knee. For those of you who have no clue as to what that is, its a crescent-shaped fibrocartilaginous structure that partly divides a joint cavity. In other words, the shock obsorber in between your tibia and femur. Needless to say, no boarding for atleast four months, IF no surgery is required. So everybody who is capable of boarding, take every advantage of it while you can. Cause buying a new boat just to pull everybody else around SUCKS :sad:

03-28-2011, 10:50 PM
Yea, def gonna do the PT and hope for the best. I have read ALOT about surfing and know alot of people do it, but I just dont see how it could be that much fun? I guess its gonna take tring it to know. Then again, I didnt think wakeboarding was gonna be fun either until I tried it years ago. :rolleyes:

03-28-2011, 10:51 PM
How old are you? I sell Ortho Sports Med instruments for surgery. See how it goes and if your knee locks up on you. It really depends on where the tear is. If you are young and they can fix it do it now! If you wait and walk on it it will not be repairable. If they do fix it you are out 3 months at least. If they just cut out the tear and clean it up you will be back in no time trusting you have a good doctor. Unless the tear is just perfect it will not scar in on its own.

03-28-2011, 11:01 PM
How old are you? I sell Ortho Sports Med instruments for surgery. See how it goes and if your knee locks up on you. It really depends on where the tear is. If you are young and they can fix it do it now! If you wait and walk on it it will not be repairable. If they do fix it you are out 3 months at least. If they just cut out the tear and clean it up you will be back in no time trusting you have a good doctor. Unless the tear is just perfect it will not scar in on its own.

Im 24. Its been a week and a half and after 800mg of ibprofen 3 times a day and a ton of ice, the swelling is finally gone. Still hurts, but im able to move it. So far it hasnt completly locked up. Just alittle stiff when I move it and I can def feel the pressure. Ive been off it as much as I can because I REALLY dont wanna have to get surgery unless I absolutly have to.

03-29-2011, 12:29 AM
dang that sucks big time. we just went out this last weekend and luckily our only casualties where my phone and our tube rope. i hope you heel up quick

03-29-2011, 08:37 AM
Thats unfortunate, but far from the worst way to start off the summer. You could have had a blown engine, or run over on of your friends and get sued. or had a highway wreck with the boat. Just a few things to be glad you didnt have

KG's Supra24
03-29-2011, 08:56 AM
LOL ^^^ has a point. Always a positive. Just let your friends know its there chance to catch up to you :p.

Hate to hear you started your season like that. Best of luck in recovery. Oh, and wakesurfing can be pretty fun and addictive.

03-29-2011, 09:50 AM
Im 24. Its been a week and a half and after 800mg of ibprofen 3 times a day and a ton of ice, the swelling is finally gone. Still hurts, but im able to move it. So far it hasnt completly locked up. Just alittle stiff when I move it and I can def feel the pressure. Ive been off it as much as I can because I REALLY dont wanna have to get surgery unless I absolutly have to.

At age 23, I had an accident while wakeboarding. No insurance, so I just took some OTC pain relievers. In fact, I was boarding again in a few weeks. Flash forward 5 years later, my knee locked up on me while changing the oil in my truck. You never know when that piece may move in between your joint. I had a 90% tear, which I had the knee scoped for a repair. No walking on it for 6 weeks and then about 6 months of rehab. It took about 1 yr to get back to 90-95%. I still have pain, I can't run everyday, and it pops loudly everyday when I get out of bed.

Get an MRI now. Get surgery now if it is needed. Don't ignore it.

03-29-2011, 10:39 AM
Sorry to hear of your misfortune. Congrats on the boat. You are young; you have many great days on her ahead. Surfing is a blast if you give it a chance. It will really help with your therapy, both mental and physical.

ian ashton
03-29-2011, 10:53 AM
That really sucks man, I know where you are coming from! I tore all 4 ligaments in my left knee and had all sorts of debris floating around in my meniscus in July 2010 on my first day of vacation. It not only ended my season, but began a 6 month full time recovery. I had surgery to replace my ACL and PCL and clean up the meniscus in Septebmer and was just cleared for activity last week. From experiance, do the physical therapy, and keep your attitude positive and you'll do fine. I can't wait to get back in the water with this fancy new knee brace, once it thaws.

03-29-2011, 11:33 AM
Have the surgery ASAP or you will regret it later. I tore mine in 07 along with my ACL.

03-29-2011, 01:31 PM
lastly - consider getting more ballast - surfing is low impact and pretty fun... let your buddies drive you around...

sorry bro -

I agree 100% on this one! I compressed my back a few years ago and could not wakeboard so I got into wakesurfing (I still like wakeboarding much more).

I noticed you said it didn't sound like "fun". I can promise you that it will be 1000 times more fun than just sitting in the boat!! At least you can work on your balance and keep your leg muscles in shape. It taught me alot about body position and balance.

03-29-2011, 01:34 PM
I noticed you said it didn't sound like "fun". I can promise you that it will be 1000 times more fun than just sitting in the boat!!

Now thats a good point!!! lol

03-29-2011, 01:36 PM
And besides that you will have to upgrade your ballast for surfing, just think what that will translate to the wakeboard wake next season!!! Be sure and upgrade both sides!!!

03-29-2011, 09:56 PM
If you can get into sky skiing you will be able to just sit there and ride all day.
It's alot easier on you than wakeboarding.

03-29-2011, 10:03 PM
I actually have no ballast in my boat as of right now. Im in the process of ordering all my ballast stuff and hope to start on it in the next week or so. Im just going with two 750# bags in the rear, 400# bag in the ski locker, and a 650# in the bow. Will that work for surfing?

03-29-2011, 10:09 PM
that will do just fine

gus 08 mobius lsv
03-29-2011, 11:38 PM
2 years ago i blew out my knee too tore acl and meniscus had surgery jan and that summer i bought my boat i knew i wanted one so i took that summer easy not a fun thing to do but got to know my boat really well. never drove an inboard before so it did take time. needless to say i can dock it like a champ so use your down time to get familiar with the boat and give everyone else a run cause the next summer i was ready to go i was sure to get my sets and everyone understood. never had knee trouble before but it feels great now and didn't have any issues this past summer. like the others said get it fixed now while your young go thru pt and you'll be back at and it won't even faze ya

03-29-2011, 11:58 PM
If you just tore the miniscus I'd have it scoped and done with. I've had my knees scoped a total of 6 times (4 right and 2 left - baseball catcher through college) and if you're diligent with the rehab you will be back to normal in about 2 weeks. The surgery isn't really a big deal as long as you do the therapy as instructed.

03-30-2011, 12:31 AM
If you just tore the miniscus I'd have it scoped and done with. I've had my knees scoped a total of 6 times (4 right and 2 left - baseball catcher through college) and if you're diligent with the rehab you will be back to normal in about 2 weeks. The surgery isn't really a big deal as long as you do the therapy as instructed.

Scoped? Educate me :confused:

03-30-2011, 09:18 AM
I had a slight tear last year. 3-4 weeks of nothing then started surfing again. Beats driving and burning gas while others are shredding. Prob 2 months before I even cruised on a wakeboard.

Take a Dr's advise so no problems years down the road.

03-30-2011, 03:47 PM
Scoped? Educate me :confused:

Scoped as in arthoscopic surgery. About a 30-45 minute procedure. Visualize the tear as a torn fingernail. The pain comes when you snag the fingernail. To remedy this, they make a tiny incision and basically trim the cartilage so that it doesn't snag or catch on muscles, tendons, etc inside your knee.

03-30-2011, 03:56 PM
At age 23, I had an accident while wakeboarding. No insurance, so I just took some OTC pain relievers. In fact, I was boarding again in a few weeks. Flash forward 5 years later, my knee locked up on me while changing the oil in my truck. You never know when that piece may move in between your joint. I had a 90% tear, which I had the knee scoped for a repair. No walking on it for 6 weeks and then about 6 months of rehab. It took about 1 yr to get back to 90-95%. I still have pain, I can't run everyday, and it pops loudly everyday when I get out of bed.

Get an MRI now. Get surgery now if it is needed. Don't ignore it.

I agree...I tore mine when I was in 9th grade playing soccer....I sat out the remainder of the season (3 weeks) but didn't get anything done to it because Basketball Season was about to start and thats all I did through school so I wasn't going to miss any time. As I got older the knee always would bother me a little bit and now here recently it has really started giving me some pain more frequently...I'm 32. Get it checked out, if surgery is recommended...do it!

03-30-2011, 04:16 PM
Well wakeflip, looks I will be joining you on the sidelines. I got back from the doctor today and I I've gone from two herniated lumbar discs and chiropractor help to three herniated lumbar discs and two nerve impingements. So off to the surgeon I go. I might be able to save my boating season since it usually doesn't start until July but my dirt biking and basketball are gone and maybe forever. Tough getting old but it is still a pleasure to go boating and watching others behind the boat.

03-30-2011, 04:42 PM
Sorry to hear that Z- hope they do you some good and you come back strong.

Ian Brantford
03-30-2011, 04:44 PM
For those of us dealing with injuries, may I suggest that hydrofoiling is a good "old man's" watersport? If you can stand being in a seated position, it takes a lot of load off and you can choose how advanced you want to go. While cruising, the rope tension is so low that you can hang on with one finger. The only mandatory load is while starting, during which time I'd guess that you have to be able to lift maybe 1/4 to 1/3 of your body weight in the same format as a deadlift. It can be done witha slow start to reduce load even further, if you can maintain balance until you are up.

The foil and ski take the brunt of most impacts with the water. The seat can be had with an adjustable shock absorber too.

03-30-2011, 04:47 PM
I pretty positive on the whole thing if it can cure my ailing back. We discussed in another thread the different treatments for sciatica and suggested chiropractor first but now I have no other choice. I hope it doesn't take too long to get it done. I have been bed ridden for the last two days but I have some fine meds now that lets me play on the computer.

03-30-2011, 06:25 PM
Well wakeflip, looks I will be joining you on the sidelines. I got back from the doctor today and I I've gone from two herniated lumbar discs and chiropractor help to three herniated lumbar discs and two nerve impingements. So off to the surgeon I go. I might be able to save my boating season since it usually doesn't start until July but my dirt biking and basketball are gone and maybe forever. Tough getting old but it is still a pleasure to go boating and watching others behind the boat.

Sorry to hear that man. I now feel the pain for every person who has to sit the sideline on nice sumer days due to an injury. I hope the best for you and hope it doesnt put you out for the rest of the season.

03-30-2011, 08:51 PM
I totally agree with the guys saying to get that MRI as soon as you can. I tore mine as well and I tryed to wait it out, and just kept reinjuring it and making it worse. Finally got it scoped, and was playing competitive basketball again in a month.
Your better off just getting it over with, because odds are its not just going to go away.