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View Full Version : House garage mod has started!!!

11-15-2010, 01:28 PM
A few weeks ago, I am sure that many of you may remember me asking for measurements on your garages, well this week the house mod hase started. My basement is very large, but is cut in half by load bearing 2x6s and they have got to go. The boat is sitting outside today in the rain and that just isn't going to do. I will update with more pictures when they have completed the job. They just left to go pick up a 6x6x25 20' I-beam to span the removed boards. I figure the baot will be in by the weekend if the rain stops and the yard dries enough to be driven through.

Boat sitting in the rain, it has been under covered storage all year except for this week and it has not rained in forever!!!

Garage before the modification:

11-15-2010, 01:28 PM
Garage with the 2x6s removed and the temporaty supports in place:

11-15-2010, 02:19 PM
Jesse - This is good stuff. Keep it coming. Looking forward to watching the progress and completed project. - Deerfield

11-15-2010, 04:02 PM

You are doing the right thing! The last two houses we bought, we did so with the boat in mind. We told the realtor that our boat had to fit in the garage but the problem is that most listings don't show the garage dimensions. So we would go look at a house and we would wait in the driveway and ask the realtor to open the garage door. We would measure it and if the boat wouldn't fit, we would move on to the next house. The realtor would say, we are already here, you want to take a look inside? We said, no thanks. We did this a couple times before the realtor finally got it. She said, "Now I know what you're looking for - you want a nice garage with an attached house!". I said, "You got it!". :)

We probably passed on 8 of 10 houses because the garage was too short. Really limits your options.

When I bought my first boat, it did not fit in the garage so we kept it outside the first few years and after that experience, I will never own a house again where the boat won't fit in the garage.


11-15-2010, 06:30 PM
That 1st picture sure is sad looking. Glad to see your going to be able to get her tucked away soon.

I too made sure the boat would fit inside before buying the house, we actually towed the boat over and backed it into the garage just to make sure cause it was so close. Then of course 3 months later we traded that boat in for the Moomba.

11-15-2010, 07:00 PM
Looks like you are making good work on the project. Are you making the door bigger?

11-15-2010, 07:48 PM
Here are a few more pics of the removal of the load bearing studs. If you look in the picture at the new red/rust colored beam, that is what I had installed. There is still one 2x4 that will end up going as soon as I can get some air conditioning duct holder. I had to leave the 2x4 in order to keep the ducting up. It looks like I will have plenty of room to get the boat in. As soon as the rain stops and the yard dries enought to drive on, I will tuck her away.

Jester, the door will not have to me modified. With the tower off it will clear with plenty of room. When I took the width measurements I found out that I did not calculate the 20% yeungling error into the mix. When talking with the contractor he said you know that is a 107" door right and I said no it is only 96-97 inches. He then got out his tape measure followed by the question of how many beers had I downed when I took the measurement.





11-15-2010, 08:18 PM
looks like you'll not only have room for the boat but alot of elbow room for the winter upgrades :) Looks like a good open space.

11-15-2010, 11:29 PM
Jesse, nice looking mod for the ol moombie... she needs to get inside....keep up the good work. i wish my garage had the extra boat bay....:mad:

11-16-2010, 12:47 AM
When I did my big remodel and addition 10 years ago I had the roof of the double car garage craned off and set it in the driveway. I then raised the door opening 1 foot and removed the rear wall and installed an I beam so I could make the garage longer by 5' . I also raised the side wall up 1' to match the rest . Then had the roof craned back on and nailed it back to the walls and the house. My neighbors must have thought I was nuts!! It was only the beginning of the addition.

I take it you are going to drywall the garage area to meet code?

11-16-2010, 12:28 PM
Who needs to follow codes. How is the Government going to know. Not like there is pictures across the internet on the project :). You should never forget about the 20% yeungling error.

Since you have everything open are you going to run more power around for the Just in case factor?

11-17-2010, 12:25 AM
Mostly it is for safety sake , living quarters above the garage exposed wood, etc..If he decides to sell in the future it will definitely help .

11-17-2010, 12:51 AM
I'll say this, here in Cali if you go to sell and there's structure not to code that you either built or contracted, it's on you as the seller to correct or you get fined. So it benefits the seller to do it right the first time.

11-17-2010, 12:51 AM
Definately going to add mroe outlets in the garage. I plan on having a electrician friend come over and help me run the wires correctly and to code.

I had not really given thought to the drywall. Here in Alabama almost every house I have ever been in in the basements have unfinished ceilings even though there is a garage door access. I will have to ask my home inspector what the code is here. My previous home had the drive in basement and no ceiling as well. I will have to check that one.

11-18-2010, 01:35 AM
Looking at your pics the I beams look good . Did you have an engineer spec them out? Also the footer for the vertical support beams. Is there a caisson underneath? I would be leery of the weight being forced down onto the concrete where the vertical beam rests. All the weight of the floor above is concentrated on the vertical I beams foot print on the concrete. If the thickness of the concrete is insufficient the weight will cause the concrete to give way or crack and sink. I helped a friend do the same thing only not as drastic as yours . His span was 26' and the I beams he used were side by side and the same web and thickness. He did have some settling upstairs , doors sticking and drywall cracking. Maybe if you installed a bigger plate under the I beams to spread out the load.

11-18-2010, 10:13 AM
Jesse im envious of your garage man LOL. Looks super sweet.

As Al mentioned when he was house hunting he looked at the garage first.

We are actualy looking for a new home now and thats the first thing i look for is my garage. A couple places were super nice but the boat would have to be in the weather and i just said flat out no way man. LOL

11-18-2010, 02:05 PM
Looking at your pics the I beams look good . Did you have an engineer spec them out? Also the footer for the vertical support beams. Is there a caisson underneath? I would be leery of the weight being forced down onto the concrete where the vertical beam rests. All the weight of the floor above is concentrated on the vertical I beams foot print on the concrete. If the thickness of the concrete is insufficient the weight will cause the concrete to give way or crack and sink. I helped a friend do the same thing only not as drastic as yours . His span was 26' and the I beams he used were side by side and the same web and thickness. He did have some settling upstairs , doors sticking and drywall cracking. Maybe if you installed a bigger plate under the I beams to spread out the load.

The removal of the studs and the installation was done by a licensed and bonded foundation company. All they do is foundation repair and modifications like mine. They do not do drywall framing or anything else only foundations. The thickness of the foundation was tested to make sure it was thick enough, when the drill made it to 5" he quit drilling and said there was more than enough to support the weight on the dual posts. The span that is between the posts is only 20' and with a 5" plus thickness in the foundation I do not think I will have issues. I did not want to ruin the drywall and doorways so I payed the pros to do it!!!!

11-18-2010, 02:08 PM
Jesse im envious of your garage man LOL. Looks super sweet.

As Al mentioned when he was house hunting he looked at the garage first.

We are actualy looking for a new home now and thats the first thing i look for is my garage. A couple places were super nice but the boat would have to be in the weather and i just said flat out no way man. LOL

That is normally how I shope houses as well, but my wife fell in love with this house and I knew that with a little planning as a few $$$$ I could make the garage what I wanted. The only problem now is that the basement garage (which is what I modified) is on the back of the house and I have to drive through the yard. I see a driveway in my future!! The main garage is a 2 car garage on the front of the house on the main level. We use that one to park the cars inside. I hate parking outside!!!!!

11-22-2010, 01:59 PM
We loaded the boat into the garage this weekend, everything went smoothly and she fit perfectly!! We started by backing the boat through the garage door with the Tahoe. Once the boat was inside we jacked it up and put dollies under the tires and left it connected to the truck. Then we pushed the boat as far to the side as we could and removed the dollies and unhitched from the truck. Then it was simply swing the tongue to the far wall and rolled her to the back of the basement. I still have not figured out what I want to do with the tower so we just put it on the floor/trailer for now. I think it will end up getting suspended from the ceiling to keep it out of the way of my winter projects.





11-22-2010, 02:03 PM
lookin good! You need a big screen down there and then you can sit in ur Moomba and watch the games :)

11-22-2010, 08:31 PM
Jesse congrats! Awesome job. Big screen and a kegorator and your set!

11-22-2010, 11:43 PM
What aman cave:p, lcd, beer and tunes and your all set. nice work.

11-23-2010, 01:08 AM
Thanks guys, I was really happy with how it all turned out. We ended up sitting on the couch in front of the boat and just drinking a few yeunglings and admiring our work and planning. I went down there tonight with a beer and just sat on the couch looking at the boat and wishing it was spring all ready.