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View Full Version : Back from Florida

08-31-2010, 09:40 PM
As i mentioned awhile ago,my family and myself planned our summer holiday at Disneyworld,with my wife secretly signing me up for lessons with Chris Parrish as my personal coach.
Trip was awesome but very tiring,Disney means WALKING and LOTS of CASH. Weather was great with 2 days of near solid rain.
Back to skiing with Chris was a fantastic experience,unfortunetely did not get in as much as i had hoped or planned but a blast just the same. Original plan was 2 sets a day for 4 days in a row ,then Chris had to Jet off to compete in London England.
My days went like this . Day 1. 2 sets but end of second set tweeked an old injury in shoulder. Go back ice etc. 2nd morning could not lift arms above head so had to cancel. Day 3. 1 1/2 sets .had to cut short due to hard rain and boat was booked for later.Was totally exhausted anyways,as we were working on gate timing and Form issues. Went for lunch and did verbal coaching etc. 4th day,Rained out .end of skiing but learned a lot just the same.
Highlight of first day was watching Chris Parrish ski from in the boat. Started at 28 off up to 39 off before he had to stop due to rain.All his skiing at 36mph ME at 30,32mph. My best was3 1/2 bouys at 30mph. Not too bad considering only tryed a course 2 weeks before hand and about 15yrs ago once. Unfortunetely No pics other than a pose pic with The Man himself after we were done.
Anyways had a blast,learned a ton of form issues i now need to go practice,hopefully this Saturday and Had an awesome time in Florida.
Weather fantastic,water in lake HOT by our standards 87,im used to high 60 low 70 degree water. Went Gator boating which was cool as well and then There was Disney. Now i need to go back to work to get a holiday away from my vacation.
Cheers to all in Florida etc, too bad i/we had a full schedule ,would still like to see way more. Also Good luck with the impending Hurricanes.

09-01-2010, 11:46 AM
Mikey, good to hear about those high points. Too bad about the injury and weather.
If you did 3 1/2 balls @ 30, you are in for an exciting challenge. My buddy was at the same level, then pulled out all the stops on his quest. Bought Perfect Pull-up, Perfect Push-up, hit the treadmill daily, skied about 5 days a week and finally nailed all 6 three weeks ago when I was at his lake. So he's feeling pretty good about reaching a milestone that those who don't ski cannot imagine how much work it takes. Now get out there! Only got a few weeks left up here in the Great White North. ;-)

09-01-2010, 12:25 PM
Thanks for coming on down and spending some money. Who's next?

09-02-2010, 10:57 PM
Thanks for having us . Gonna have to fill the wheelbarrow up with some more cash and come back again,if for anything the warm water at the very least.
As for getting in shape ,i have to admit i quit working out awhile back as i was nursing a long drawn out injury from spring and then just got plain LAZY,and was just playing weekend warrior for the past while.It really showed in my conditioning and skiing ability or lack there of.A couple more weeks it is and then time to get serious about getting back in better shape and get ready for next season.

09-02-2010, 10:59 PM
Ed your comment about wetsuit time is not that far off for us as while i was down your way we had 2 night of frost,which means a couple more weeks of boating then winterizing and YES wetsuit will be coming back out again soon enough,maybe drysuit if weather and water conditions allow.

09-02-2010, 11:22 PM
Congrats on progress in the course. If you can get 3 you can get 6. Once get some success you are hooked.... Stay healthy ..

09-03-2010, 06:53 PM
Yeah i agree and now next year i really have my goals set. Might be way off dream but 6 bouys at 15 off 32 ,34mph are my next goals.Hopefully another ski school as well.Even if its a local one.

09-03-2010, 07:11 PM
get some videos of you skiing - analyze and compare to the instrcutional videos... Most digital point andn shoot cameras these days will take 20 seconds of video with no problems...

09-05-2010, 04:53 PM
Yeah that was the idea. Went out yesterday but was rough all day long so no skiing at all. Had some beginners wakeboarding so roughness not too much of a problem,and surfed as well. Iwas told by My instructor Chris Parrish to do the same and send it his way as well and he would look and tell me suggestions as well for the future. Nice Guy as i may never see him again?