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07-07-2010, 08:05 AM
Hope eveyone had a safe 4th. it seemed like i spent more time looking for idiots on jet skis and jet boats to try an avoid. I actually used my wetsound mic and towers to give some punk A$$ teens the "what for" as they were following us all over the lake with a jet boat doing 40 to 50mph and driving it out of control trying to get air born off our wake. I had thre children and an infant as well as my wife. we stopped let them go by, they came back when we started again. I found where they live on the lake and may give the parents a visit or take the registration and addrees and call it to the authorities.

I think i need Brad(04outback) high power paint ball guns;)

sad story, but this is what happenes when people don't know the rules of the water. its the lake right next to ours

07-07-2010, 10:31 AM
I found where they live on the lake and may give the parents a visit or take the registration and addrees and call it to the authorities.

jm - Good idea. Do it. - Deerfield

07-07-2010, 10:44 AM
Very Sad Story. We played it safe and stayed home. My buddies did go to the water. They said that it was crazy. He helped a guy with a boat that was sinking, towed another guy with a blown motor, and waited in the marina for two hours waiting to get off the water.

07-07-2010, 11:57 AM
We had several people including waverunners and other boats tailing us with wake boarders and Surfs going. Had to stop and let them by several times. Didn't even get the tube out(didn't hurt my feelings) because even on the shorter rope we have it was way to busy slash dangerous.

My biggest headache was the horrible boating edicate people displayed at the public dock. We waited aleast 50 min to unload people because everyone just tied up to the dock and waited. I would have just swam to shore if I wasn't so worried about getting hit!. I HATE inconsiderate people and they seem to be everywhere on holidays!!!:mad:

07-09-2010, 08:53 PM
airsoft or paintball.. both would work good! We can get you what you need.


full auto airsoft will get the messge to them.. leave no trace either!

07-10-2010, 08:55 AM
airsoft or paintball.. both would work good! We can get you what you need.


full auto airsoft will get the messge to them.. leave no trace either!

perfect drive by , no trace:p

07-10-2010, 08:58 AM
I avoid the water on the holidays.

07-12-2010, 12:23 PM
...full auto airsoft will get the messge to them.. leave no trace either!

I'll have to remember that! We went on the 5th instead of hte 4th, and traffic wasn't TOO bad, but still busy. We stopped and picked up a fallen skiier, and a jetski runs like 35 mph about 15 feet off our bow??? Wha tthe heck man? Had my rope been wrapping a little bit he'd have sucked it right up! It seems like the jet-skiers just have NO curtosy... This doens't make me nearly as mad as the ones that follow my skiiers/wakeboarders/tubers. Luckily i dind' thave that this weekend, but we did the weekend before.