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04-14-2010, 10:25 PM
Hey, I did not want to highjack or ignore your Stargazer thread in which you mention solar energy, the economy, and credit markets. Not much information there, but it was enough to get my attention. I encourage you to contact the Loan Guarantee Program Office at the U.S. Department of Energy. It's current budget includes significant dollars, in the billions, to help finance renewable energy projects. These include solar and wind. The White House is pushing hard on DOE to make things happen that will create jobs. While its in-house expertise is large energy finance projects, and there are not a lot of them happening, the Loan Guarantee Office recently expanded the program to the manufacturing sector in hopes of getting more capital and credit (from banks and state development authorities) into the renewable energy space. I really, really think you should reach out to the Loan Guarantee Office, tell them what you have going on or want to accomplish, and ask what they can do for you and with whom they can get you connected in your state. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I don't work for the government, nor do I bank businesses, so I'm not selling anything. I know about the Loan Guarantee Office because I cover the Energy Department for my employer. If you want names and phone numbers for people at the Loan Guarantee Office at DOE's D.C. headquarters, as well as where to find background information on the Loan Guarantee Program, let me know. - Deerfield

04-15-2010, 09:55 AM
micron here just started a joint venture with another firm to start production of solar panels and the such. excited as it should bring almost 2k jobs in the next 2 years.

04-15-2010, 11:13 AM
micron here just started a joint venture with another firm to start production of solar panels and the such. excited as it should bring almost 2k jobs in the next 2 years.

I wonder how sustainable they are though. This market is still very expensive and many people are still just trying to keep the tiger off there back so to speak. A solar conversion without Fed or State money isn't going to happen for most homes. So all these jobs that are to be created won't last long if no one is going to buy the goods?
Not trying to be negative just asking?

04-15-2010, 12:35 PM
govt $$ going into the project and I think they are looking at both the world market and beyond the home applications. I have seen solar chargers at the lake on the boats kept at the marina all summer. I think they are also looking at generating power at solar stations like the ones outside of vegas toward laughlin.

solar is a very viable resource, but like you said, it's still way too expensive and power is still plentiful and cheap, especially out here in the west with hydro, so I don't see solar in a home environment going anywhere soon on a large scale, but there are still plenty of applications for it for this joint venture to be sustainable in the short term.

04-15-2010, 04:09 PM
Thank you Sandm, you have once again made me see how I can be short sited. Your picture is much broader than what I was thinking when I made my earlier post. Of course the world market, a much better way to go!

04-15-2010, 04:38 PM
I work for Intel in Oregon, Solar World is a solar panel company up here now. They started in Cali i think it was. They opened there offices here 2.5 years ago and a lot of Intel peeps went there, Intal as i understand bought a huge share of this company, its operating but i don't hear to much from them on a regular basis.

Like everyone is saying, its available but like Flat Panel Monitors it takes a long time to get the public on board.

04-15-2010, 04:44 PM
I remember watching a story on cable, think it was in germany, where some crazy percentage of the population have solar on the roofs. its a real good idea in certain areas of the world, but I really think the power companies will fight this tooth and nail as it's not in their best interest to let this happen.. imagine a whole block, town, state that generates more power than they use, selling the excess to the power company and actually getting a check every month..

04-15-2010, 04:56 PM
Hey there is nothing in the world I want more than to be self sufficiant. I want nothing to do with anything that holds me hostage. If I could produce enough electricity myself using solar panels, afford to do so and get off the grid I would do it in a heart beat, but right now the cost of such a system is prohibitive. Same thing with banks, if I didn't need there money for my house I wouldn't take it.

04-15-2010, 06:45 PM
Hey, I did not want to highjack or ignore your Stargazer thread in which you mention solar energy, the economy, and credit markets. Not much information there, but it was enough to get my attention. I encourage you to contact the Loan Guarantee Program Office at the U.S. Department of Energy. It's current budget includes significant dollars, in the billions, to help finance renewable energy projects. These include solar and wind. The White House is pushing hard on DOE to make things happen that will create jobs. While its in-house expertise is large energy finance projects, and there are not a lot of them happening, the Loan Guarantee Office recently expanded the program to the manufacturing sector in hopes of getting more capital and credit (from banks and state development authorities) into the renewable energy space. I really, really think you should reach out to the Loan Guarantee Office, tell them what you have going on or want to accomplish, and ask what they can do for you and with whom they can get you connected in your state. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I don't work for the government, nor do I bank businesses, so I'm not selling anything. I know about the Loan Guarantee Office because I cover the Energy Department for my employer. If you want names and phone numbers for people at the Loan Guarantee Office at DOE's D.C. headquarters, as well as where to find background information on the Loan Guarantee Program, let me know. - Deerfield

Hey Bro thanx for that information. My partner and I are getting ready to write a really formal letter. Just did not really know who need to read it and hopefully do something about it.

Everybody has great points here in regards to solar energy. It is very expensive and the panels are not that efficient. Last year, if I remember correctly, they were about 12% efficient. This year we went to a trade show and read that they are up to about 18% efficient. The price still has not changes. For an average home, the cost could be anywhere from $27,000 to $75,000 and even up to $150,000. It all depends on how much area a person has either on the roof or land. In Vegas, if the power company was on board, people could get $10,500.00 for their solar and a 30% tax break from the Federal Government. Now that 30% is not calculated until tax season. I think that 30% should be given back to the consumer for the purchase. We are going green, we are decreasing the footprint, we are cleaning the environment, We are going natural using the sun, free energy, to go about our daily lives. Why give a big corp billions a year for something we can get for free. Here on the west coast, the price of gas is going up again. BS we are not in a dyer need for more gas. Its the gas companies that are doing this. These freaking Exec. can not stand not making billions in bonuses. Yes bonuses. While us, the blue collar worker suffers. By the way, who makes these big companies, who bring in the money for these big companies? We do. We are the one doing all the work, we are the ones risking our lives and families lives everyday. Something is very wrong here. Well enough of the rant. I still am going to try and make this solar thing happen. I just need to be a good salesman.

04-15-2010, 08:35 PM
Tazz if it helps I'd buy from you :)

04-15-2010, 08:58 PM
Nice Thanx Sled.

04-16-2010, 12:24 AM
Hey, I'd buy from you too. I just don't have any money. Anybody else in the same boat????:oops:

04-16-2010, 07:27 AM
I'd buy too, but I'm the same boat as kaneboats :mad:

04-16-2010, 08:01 AM
Looks to be a common problem, too much boat, not enough spare cash :)

04-16-2010, 08:39 AM
No such thing as too much boat.

04-16-2010, 08:53 AM
and no such thing as enough spare cash

04-16-2010, 12:20 PM
I stand corrected :)

04-16-2010, 11:22 PM
Thanx for the support guys. I knw deep down that things will work out.