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View Full Version : Lake Size?

03-14-2010, 05:56 PM
My in-laws own a 50-55 acre lake (used to be a rock quarry that filled in) that is between 40-60 feet deep. It's been in the family for generations and nobody else is on it. Wondering if anybody wakeboards or surfs on a lake this small or is it even worth trying? We've taken my father in laws 18 ft Starcraft and been tubing but no wakeboarding and obviously no surfing. I know one thing the family is worried about with the inboard and ballast is the wakes causing erosion on one of the banks. Normally we boat on a 1200 acre lake but the in-laws would be so convenient.

03-14-2010, 06:04 PM
I slalom on a lake only slightly larger. However, it really all has to do with shape. My lake is long and narrow. It is just long enough that a slalom course will fit (in the area that you can drive a boat). We ski, board, and have surfed here, but it is for the hard core. You do a lot of turning at 34 mph.